So have been deliberating about a new car (not that there is anything wrong with my 2010 TDI but its new car time).
Test drove a diesel A3, CLA (gutless wonder), 2013 CC and a few others.
Decided on a new CC with Driver and Park Assist (Sunroof would be nice but not a requirement) as I can see driver assist becoming standard over the course of owning the next car (IMO).
Found out there are only 2 CCs in VIC atm, one with no extras and one where someone has ticked every box on the extras request (thinking Augustus Gloop).
I had my Veruca Salt moment in wanting my "pony now daddy"

when I found out that a new build is May/June delivery. Debating with myself like a scene out of beautiful mind meets liar liar with do I want to spend the extra coin on the other extras.
But what I am genuinely surprised with is how CCs are now like hens teeth for new stock (few demos but with the way GST is on novated its just as easy to go new). Wonder if there is something afoot with MY15 beyond the radio change.