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Thread: High KM Passat CC's buying

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Ballarat, Vic
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    High KM Passat CC's buying

    Hi Guys

    I had an 09 Passat CC TDI for 3 years, sold it at the end of the lease and got a BMW 320i and seeing the used prices thinking about jumping back into one for a few years not on a lease.

    The V6 4 motion is what i am interested in, my roles has changed and spend a week or 2 a month away meaning the number of km's i drive has dropped off. That said i would pick up a TDI if the reasoning stacked up.

    As i am looking to cash down the car its a lower end of the spectrum on car sales which has most cars with 150-200k. My last CC ran well over 150K before i sold it with no major issues outside of a busted valve in the aircon (Cheap DIY fix and regas) and out of balance tires when i got it.

    From i am reading the cars seem to have been fairly reliable or is that due to a low sample size not showing up major issues on forums?
    Is the V6 4motion looking more reliable then the TDI into older age? Or the weight and complexity from the 4motion likely to show up issues?

    And is anyone running one of these higher km CC's and anything showing up as fragile?


  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Hey mate,

    The CC thread doesn't get much action lol. However below is my response to a similar question asked on the Passat thread.

    I have a 2008 r36 with 220k still going strong but it had a new Dsg at 140k done by the previous owner.

    Also a 2009 TDI CC with 212k going strong but DSG clutches wore out around 170k. It's tuned and all that also.

    From my experience Dsg related problems are the common factor, however I drive them quite hard. These days they don't cost too much to fix, if your willing to do some of the work yourself and hunt around for parts or purchase from overseas

    Timing chain or worn guides may also be something to consider on the V6

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Thanks for the reply, DSG's wearing out was a fear. Will factor in when thinking about the price vs a low km one.
    Had not thought about the V6 guides, something to keep in mind.

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by ftaffy View Post
    Thanks for the reply, DSG's wearing out was a fear. Will factor in when thinking about the price vs a low km one.
    Had not thought about the V6 guides, something to keep in mind.
    No worries, the 02E Dsg clutches can be bought new for $625 shipped from the U.K., there might be some local suppliers also. Factor in another few hundred for labor and the job is done.

    I believe the timing chain job with new guides ect is around $2.5k

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