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Thread: EPB Switch - Which One To Buy?

  1. #1
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    EPB Switch - Which One To Buy?

    After a scan with Foxwell scanner and a detailed read through this forum and others I reckon I need to swap out the EPB switch (2009 Passat CC 2.0L TDI) as an obvious and cheap first step. Prices for EPB switch part#: 3C0927225C as follows:

    Melbourne dealer - $117.70 pick-up from dealership; incidentally the dealer uses part#: VW-3C0927225CREH

    Melbourne based eBay seller (and VW mechanic) - $27 delivered (described as "...quality aftermarket...") - USD 2.99 (many sellers, but most charging less than USD 8.00 delivered - standard delivery though is 4 - 6 weeks); aliexpress seller uses two alternative part #s: 3C0927225C or 3C0927225B

    Any thoughts or experiences to share?

    Given the price, might just buy one from aliexpress (from buyer who has more sales)?

    Any suggestions or things to watch out for?

  2. #2
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    Get the genuine one. It's the latest version, and not considered problematic.
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  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by Umai Naa!! View Post
    Get the genuine one. It's the latest version, and not considered problematic.
    The genuine one then is the one with the "...CREH" at the end of the part number? I assume then this is the one available ONLY from the VW dealers for c. $117?
    Last edited by Deep Blue; 02-11-2019 at 10:17 AM.

  4. #4
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    Thumbs up

    Quote Originally Posted by Deep Blue View Post
    The genuine one then is the one with the "...CREH" at the end of the part number? I assume then this is the one available ONLY from the VW dealers for c. $117?
    Okay, after a considerable forums search, internet sellers search, and a good deal of consideration, I purchased a Topran brand switch from - AUD 32.95 delivered. Didn't realise so many companies made/supplied (to VW)/sold these switches! Anyway, Topran it is!

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by Deep Blue View Post
    Okay, after a considerable forums search, internet sellers search, and a good deal of consideration, I purchased a Topran brand switch from - AUD 32.95 delivered. Didn't realise so many companies made/supplied (to VW)/sold these switches! Anyway, Topran it is!
    EPB switch arrives tomorrow, so guess it's as simple as:

    1. Remove old switch and install new switch - looks pretty easy

    2. Disconnect battery for 10 minutes and then touch both leads together to drain any residual charge to earth (?)

    3. Reconnect battery leads to battery

    4. Clear any induced faults (battery disconnected) with scanner

    5. Test park brake switch and park brake

    Is that correct? Did I miss anything?

  6. #6
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    You could probably get away with just swapping out the switch, no battery jiggery or pokery.
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    Quote Originally Posted by JustCruisn View Post
    You could probably get away with just swapping out the switch, no battery jiggery or pokery.
    I'm now thinking of fitting a Polariser.

  8. #8
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    Okay, installed new Topran EPB switch. Didn't disconnect battery or anything, just removed switch (needs a bit of a tug to release plug from back of switch once popped out from dash). Popped new switch in, started car, pressed a couple of times - all good it seems (you can hear rear PB motor engage/disengage as switch is pressed). See how we go over next week or two...

    Now, next one is flashing amber tyre pressure warning light, even though tyre pressures are spot on! Is this a faulty ABS sensor?
    Last edited by Deep Blue; 06-11-2019 at 04:40 PM.

  9. #9
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    Okay, parking brake working perfectly and no warning light - all good, no recurrence so it looks like the AUD 32.95 Topran EPB switch (delivered) did the trick. That one was "simples"! Great to have a forum like this!

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Deep Blue View Post
    Okay, installed new Topran EPB switch. Didn't disconnect battery or anything, just removed switch (needs a bit of a tug to release plug from back of switch once popped out from dash). Popped new switch in, started car, pressed a couple of times - all good it seems (you can hear rear PB motor engage/disengage as switch is pressed). See how we go over next week or two...

    Now, next one is flashing amber tyre pressure warning light, even though tyre pressures are spot on! Is this a faulty ABS sensor?
    Flat battery in sensor probably
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