Did he/she clear all fault codes relating to the steering, CANbus, and ABS?
Hi guys im lost and dont know what to do
it all startet with my battery, as i was listening to music and my battery died, so i was trying to start it, it wouldnt work.
i waited for 5-10 min and tried again and it workd, but then the electronic steering assist light went on, ( orange ) and it wouldnt turn off. So i tried to turn the steering all the way left, then all the way right, and drove a short distance under 20km/h. No chance still on. So i went to see a vw specialist, he plugd the vcds in , and tried looking for the issue, we reset the fault code, drove another short distance, did some sharp turns, NOTHING !!!
he then told me, he is going to send ross tech a screenshot of the fault code, and see what they say.
Anyone familiar with this problem?
Did he/she clear all fault codes relating to the steering, CANbus, and ABS?
'07 Transporter 1.9 TDI
'01 Beetle 2.0
Hi, thanks for the reply
yes he did clear them, and i tried resetting again by driving short distance + sharp left right turn, but nothing changed ��
Need to carry out a proper basic setting on them. It won't learn the end stops correctly otherwise.
Volks Handy
Servicing - Repairs - Diagnostics - Mobile fault scanning/clearing - A/c work
10 years experience working for Audi/VW/Skoda
Now in Perth NOR, Western Australia.
And how do we do that?