Quote Originally Posted by ScottyP View Post
Naturally matched shocks and springs will deliver a better result, and for a significantly higher price you would hope so. Personally, I'm happy with the spring-only route and probably won't bother going the whole hog. Just can't justify it for the price. The car rides fine (certainly would not describe it as 'awful') and is not overly harsh for my tastes. At highway speeds, I have noticed no difference to standard coils.

Given the low investment I would suggest to try the spring route first. If you don't like them, by all means go shocks and springs together for what will probably be a better overall result. How much better and whether it will justify the investment, who knows?
yeah if it works fine, that's a huge win hey. It's also very dependent on the quality of strut and its operating efficiency - that is the level of drop or sag which it'll still operate effectively. If its working effectively for you, it must still be within these specs. Mine, and the few cars I've been in were not close to being matched, resulting in the ride quality I experienced. Perhaps the gear in the CC's are designed to operate effectively over a greater range.