Australia’s leading brake specialist, Bendix, has released the most comprehensive Brake Pad and Shoe data book for Passenger and Light Commercial Vehicles ever released in Australia with almost 900 pages of valuable information for the automotive brake industry.

The result of months of work and close liaison with Bendix Asia counterparts, the new regional catalogue covers vehicle applications for passenger and light commercial vehicles throughout Australia, New Zealand and Asia, identifying make, series and year of manufacture plus the Bendix brake pad or shoe reference number for front and rear.

A valuable cross reference index section identifies disc brake pad numbers against the Bendix products plus a Bendix brake shoe reference. A brake shoe lookup guide section identifies the brake shoe reference numbers against the Bendix products plus details of each brake shoe reference.

This comprehensive catalogue includes more than 550 pages dedicated to brake pad identification showing profiles of disc brake pads at 100% of actual size in alpha numeric order with details of the contents and country availability.

For countries with high vehicle imports the Bendix Data Book will be an invaluable reference guide allowing quick and accurate identification of the correct replacement parts saving time and money. Bendix brand availability including General CT, 4WD/SUV, Heavy Duty, Ultimate and Street Road & Track are covered with country symbols such as A-Australia, M-Malaysia and T-Thailand and an easy brake pad selection guide provides information on the braking pads best suited to the driving style of your customer.

This amazing and invaluable reference guide for brake specialists and parts stores also covers details of Bendix ancillary solutions with highly professional advanced products such as ceramic high performance synthetic lubricant, DOT3 and DOT4 brake fluid and the Bendix Brake and Parts Cleaner and Degreaser.

The Bendix Brake Pad and Shoe Data Book is now available by contacting your local Bendix representative. For more information go to