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Thread: what can I mod for my pirelli gti?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2014
    Users Country Flag

    what can I mod for my pirelli gti?

    Hi guys, I just bought pirelli gti, i know it got same engine and turbo with MK6 golf r, so in my plan just start with intake and get apr stage 1 tune, maybe will get turbo back exhaust after , or someone recommend get intake and exhaust , and tune stage2 ?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    Melbourne, VIC
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    Start with a tune, I did when I had mine and it unloaded a heap more power. Then you need to look at suspension and handling to get the power to the ground. Once you get this sorted, go back to hunting for more power.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    Melbourne, Victoria
    Users Country Flag

    There are companies, including us, that offer tune bundles to complement your upgrade path.

    So you can purchase multiple tune profiles in the beginning for only slightly extra, but this means later down the track when you've made other upgrades, you can just switch to a higher profile tune to match the setup without needing to revisit a tuner and pay for re-tunes, etc.

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