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Thread: Viezu Tuning on Golf R....WOW!

  1. #121
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    Quote Originally Posted by Candyman View Post
    To ido90s (or whatever it is)

    I have no idea at all. I agree.

    I'm proud of my wife and kids and my Mum sitting in a nursing home in another country

    Proud of a chart shared on a forum, no.Certainly, the response from a few clearly shows it is a bun fight I can do without.

    I'll share in my own way (via pm to those I want to). I have no points to prove and penis size is not something I have ever worried about.

    If others don't want to share info I respect that. Others don't. Such is life on forums

    WTF? You don't have to be proud Candyman, as far as I'm aware it isn't even your car or dyno result.

    I requested via PM as I wanted one, but you didn't come through with the request, only numbers. I believe you said post #110 that you don't care about numbers only the space below the curve. Well mate. Makes two of us yet all you gave me are numbers. Not the request curve!
    MY12 Golf R | 5 Dr | Candy White | DSG | 19"Black Talladegas | ACC | RNS510 SATNAV | Sunroof | RVC | BT | MDI
    Ordered - 28/02/12 | Collected - 14/03/12

  2. #122
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    San G

    Checked my messages to you - was very clear what I was able to share via private message

    Also said I would be able to send you a chart. Apologies if it was not in your timeframe

    I suggest asking the supplier if you need to qualify a stock tune dyno chart (which is what you asked for). I don't have one

    I shared what I was able to. Plain and simple.

    Sorry I wasn't able to help you. Make a decision using your own judgement - I would never do so based on a forum chart. YMMV

    I like the overall package offered by Viezu (unique). You clearly don't.

    Not sure why I copped so much flack but that's forums for you and no doubt there will be plenty to tell me why I screwed up so badly.

    8VSS2L/16 E9E9 XG MP SPP1 4ZD 6XK CSC5P with an extra free 10kW

  3. #123
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    That is a reasonable explanation and you didn't screw up. Plus, it's something that could be solved in PM.
    San Gimignano R , I'm sure you wanted to say that you've asked, rather than requested.
    Last edited by Transporter; 06-06-2012 at 07:56 AM.

  4. #124
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    Let's see.. you want dyno figures because Viezu promised them for a while.. Candyman has been sent dyno charts by Viezu but he didn't share them with you... solution = email Viezu? I do not understand why you have any reason to show animosity to Candyman. You're right those charts aren't of his car, maybe that's why he's not posting / sharing them?

    IMO either contact Viezu or just have some patience, with all the promises they made I'm sure some publicised charts are due soon.

    edit: oh looky
    Last edited by DkN; 06-06-2012 at 12:12 AM.
    TR 08 Golf GT TDI, Custom Code Phase 1, Milltek Exhaust, Whiteline RSB + ALK, APR Carbonio Intake

  5. #125
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    Over reaction much?? Someone copped a whack for not sharing information that other people sent him... Only him. Shouldn't that give you confidence in the man?

    It's only a tune after all... Personal choice.

    Let's take a breather boys.

  6. #126
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    this has been going on for months... the dyno charts will eventually be made public, don't believe the timeframes otherwise we would've had them a month ago when it was suggested they will be available in a week.

    candyman did his homework by requesting charts from other users and seems to be copping flack for not sharing. idea: get off your arses and do the same thing without being lazy and just wanting to complain...


    i'm going back to for more civilised discussions on tunes (shelf, custom and bespoke)...

  7. #127
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ideo View Post
    I work 60,hours a week.

    Getting a dyno for someone like you who complains about every tune that you don't do is so far down my list of priorities, cleaning the bbq is more important than cleaning the bbq.

    I tried to get a dyno. The company I went to was less than useless.

    I've done 20000 kms since the tune. I'm happy. I'll get a dyno. At some stage. But my time is better spent on my business than on something as minor as a tune.
    My comment was never aimed at you, it was aimed at Viezu. Its not up to you to to provide the information they have been promising for months

    Quote Originally Posted by Candyman View Post
    To ido90s (or whatever it is)

    I have no idea at all. I agree.

    I'm proud of my wife and kids and my Mum sitting in a nursing home in another country

    Proud of a chart shared on a forum, no.Certainly, the response from a few clearly shows it is a bun fight I can do without.

    I'll share in my own way (via pm to those I want to). I have no points to prove and penis size is not something I have ever worried about.

    If others don't want to share info I respect that. Others don't. Such is life on forums

    WTF lol

    Quote Originally Posted by DkN View Post
    Let's see.. you want dyno figures because Viezu promised them for a while.. Candyman has been sent dyno charts by Viezu but he didn't share them with you... solution = email Viezu? I do not understand why you have any reason to show animosity to Candyman. You're right those charts aren't of his car, maybe that's why he's not posting / sharing them?

    IMO either contact Viezu or just have some patience, with all the promises they made I'm sure some publicised charts are due soon.

    edit: oh looky
    Have you actually seen how many posts Simon has saying dyno graphs will be available next week lol

    Candyman has been sent dyno figures from cutomers of Viezu, not Viezu themselves. It seems to be a secret boys club that nobody can enter into when it comes to obtaining information about Viezu tunes. Some has been put up on other forums but there were reasons stated why the dyno graph was incorrect etc

    Quote Originally Posted by DonJuan View Post
    this has been going on for months... the dyno charts will eventually be made public, don't believe the timeframes otherwise we would've had them a month ago when it was suggested they will be available in a week.

    candyman did his homework by requesting charts from other users and seems to be copping flack for not sharing. idea: get off your arses and do the same thing without being lazy and just wanting to complain...


    i'm going back to for more civilised discussions on tunes (shelf, custom and bespoke)...
    I was having a go at Candyman for claiming that San G and probably me are the reason nobody shares their information about Viezu which is absolute bull****.

    Candyman and the people who supplied the charts to him are a part of the reason for the attitude towards Viezu. For months Simon has been promising these bespoke dyno sheets and to date has produced nothing that he claims was accurate of what Viezu tunes are capable of, this is the rest of the reason for the attitude towards Viezu tunes. I can appreciate that the owners of the cars tuned by Viezu may nt want to post them up, but when Simon gets into his posts sprouting off about how bespoke they are and how happy everyone is then it gets a stale. Sure its probably just marketing gone wrong but it doesnt look good to me. We are talking about an automotive supplier here who does tuning for a living. Surely it would be in their best interests to produce these sheets and put the nay sayers to rest.

    I have said it before on other forums and i willl say it again, i am affraid being a mechanic myself who has previously tuned other makes and models leaves me wanting to see some dyno results to help me in my decision making.

    Am i interested in their tune, not at all, and thats due to the lack of hard facts i can find from Viezu themselves. The only reason i got involved and had a shot at Candyman was because he got on his high horse claiming people like San G are the reason for the secretive information chain surrounding this tuner..... which as i said previously, is absolute bull****.

  8. #128
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    I think Viezu just bit off a little more than it could chew creating this hype.

    I'm sure they offer decent tunes but I'm not convinced, tune quality-wise, that it has any more to offer than the likes of DNA, Custom Code etc. In fact Custom Code just recently released their Golf R ECU + DSG tune and achieved 0-100 in 4.13 seconds on software alone (no dyno chart as of yet either though), I reckon that's pretty hard to top.

    Having said that, Viezu is being quite ambitious in going from zero to nationwide in such a short amount of time, so naturally they have been quite busy setting everything up. If they want to set up a proper process for dyno to give consistent results that's understandable. In fact that makes sense since like you said people have pointed out things not done correctly in dyno charts provided by customers. It also makes sense that you don't want to share these inconsistent results publicly from a business perspective especially if you are in the process of setting things up properly.

    Bottom line I don't expect dyno results to be anything groundbreaking considering the variety of quality tunes available these days, but I doubt it's going to be a disappointment either. Just have some patience, things will progress, and don't bite the bait of hype too early. Now that Viezu has started a dyno thread, it can't be that much longer unless they really want to shoot themselves in the foot.

    By the way, I don't see Candyman making the type of comment you are saying he made. In fact someone else suggested him not sharing dyno charts is the reason why people are skeptical of Viezu, not the other way around. It's interesting to see how many people act like they are ENTITLED to these charts when they are the one asking for the favour. They may be entitled from Viezu, but certainly not a fellow customer. If someone had that attitude when asking me to help them I'd tell them to piss off and do it themselves.
    Last edited by DkN; 06-06-2012 at 01:28 PM.
    TR 08 Golf GT TDI, Custom Code Phase 1, Milltek Exhaust, Whiteline RSB + ALK, APR Carbonio Intake

  9. #129
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    just to sidetrack this thread... clearly it's making waves amongst the tuners with Australian Tuning and Performance Group starting a dyno thread with actual dyno results.

    true, viezu sharing with viezu doesn't make sense when trying to attract customers but that is their decision. i'm still all for local top quality service as every tunes is so close it's not funny... won't make that much difference on a daily... how many people here track their car more than they drive it daily? if so, they should probably be into tuning themselves???

    i will admit though, i'm hooked like the rest of you as the '2 weeks' has been killing me for months... lol, apparently 3L in the USA use the '2 weeks' catch cry...

  10. #130
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    Thanks ido09 for backing us up. Agree totally.

    Candyman here is the PM you sent me.

    Quote Originally Posted by Candyman
    Would you be able to PM me some of those dyno graphs if you get any? Particularly ones that are stock?


    The dyno charts I was sent are after the tunes were installed and none of the owners were willing to share, for various reasons.

    Some of the reasons are evident on this forum - basically attacked by others. Done said they were not willing to share because dealers frequent the forum. Other reasons were given

    I can let you know the overall post tune numbers

    One for example. 140 kw atw before on a dyno dynamics and 175 atw after with a Performance tune

    Boost after consistent with this one at 19 psi with a peak of 20-21 (before, around 16-17)

    AFRs before around 10.5 and around 11.5 after
    Tell me where you said you'd send me a chart? Clearly a miss understanding with my request, I wished to find a dyno graph of a Golf R with stock fittings and only the stage one tune. I didn't want a graph of a car with downpipes, hpfps etc. for that Misunderstanding I apologize. But as for the rest, your responses which say you'd send me a chart are just plain lies; and misguidance to the rest of us making me out to look like a fool.

    Viezu, I apologize but the debacle around this and your tunes as ido09 has stated are quickly turning me in another direction.
    MY12 Golf R | 5 Dr | Candy White | DSG | 19"Black Talladegas | ACC | RNS510 SATNAV | Sunroof | RVC | BT | MDI
    Ordered - 28/02/12 | Collected - 14/03/12

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