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Thread: viezu tune

  1. #21
    Join Date
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    Newcastle, NSW

    Quote Originally Posted by Greg Roles View Post
    For now. According to Guy above, cars are going in for their service flashable and returning antitune. Major bummer!
    Add another reason for using a well regarded specialist rather than a stealership for servicing.
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  2. #22
    Certainly some MK6 GTI's can get the "encrypted" update at the dealership - and there is a new generation of "anti tune" ME9's already hitting our shores in the Golf R, TTRS etc.

    All Golf R's in the US have this new version of an old ECU - I would have thought VW would have moved on from ME9, but apparently its here for a while yet (in this new form)

  3. #23
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    Hmm im worried a bit now. My car is due for its first 12monthly service next month. Im thinking of getting it serviced at Audi as my VW dealer are useless (from a servicing point of view). Are you saying that they could update my ECU software, erase my tune and then lock my ECU? YIKES.
    2017 Ford Fiesta ST the go kart

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  4. #24
    I think if your Golf R can already be port flashed, you should be safe. The GTI's are the ones we have seen come back encrypted.

  5. #25
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    so greg or guy_H if i get a viezu tune, then go get the car serviced at vw (which i will) they will take the tune off? or because i already have anti-tune, it will just stay on?
    APR Stage 1

  6. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by vwgtimk6 View Post
    so greg or guy_H if i get a viezu tune, then go get the car serviced at vw (which i will) they will take the tune off? or because i already have anti-tune, it will just stay on?

    VW would usually only flash the ECU, if there was an update for your ECU part number. They don't overwrite the software if it is the same.

    You can still pull the ECU and boot mode it.


  7. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by vwgtimk6 View Post
    so greg or guy_H if i get a viezu tune, then go get the car serviced at vw (which i will) they will take the tune off? or because i already have anti-tune, it will just stay on?
    I can only answer for my own business, but it is Viezu policy that if the dealer applies an update, you get a new map for FREE with that update in mind. If the dealer flashes you back to stock, you get a reflash again for FREE. If you come out antitune, well I would have to have a think about that, but I would guess there would only be a small labour charge to apply the tune, as is my policy for antitune ECU's. Viezu doesn't build a labour fee into the price, it's usually within $100 of the far easier flash tune.

    If you ever wanted to return to stock, say to go to another tune, that again would be FREE on the flashables, labour only fee on the anti tune.

    Basically it is my own policy that if I am just plugging a laptop in, you don't pay anything for that, and if I have to employ my Dad to pull the ECU in and out and do the tuning, that I charge a $50 per hour fee to do so. It is on all my tune pages on my site, sadly there are only three of the hundred or so I have yet to do, but I am well into it.
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  8. #28
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    Sorry off topic slightly, just reading through some "stuff on here" geez im so glad i can Tune or should i say Flash more than just Vw and Audi, although the reading is " highly entertaining" im happy to stick by my wee Superchips and Bluefin flashes, i do get less apendage measuring when i tune Hyundai Iload vans etc. Happy to see Bluefin is still going well. Enjoy all.
    Sorry back on topic, i really wanted to reply to the other interesting thread thats just been locked. oops.
    I really need to get on here more!!
    Im sure when you read this rant you will understand its been a long hard week LOL.
    Alba European
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  9. #29
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    Must say from a punter's point of view the other "stuff on here"was bloody entertaining! Chortle chortle

  10. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gusman View Post
    Must say from a punter's point of view the other "stuff on here"was bloody entertaining! Chortle chortle
    yeah. Forget about the dyno day. Let's get some jelly wrestling happening with name calling and hair pulling. Viezu vs. APR. Simon vs. Guy. lol

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