Whoa, that second dyno graph looks nasty! I'd say your extra boost has caused some extra problems being close to 95,000 kms.
F- me, that's not a healthy car mate......did the dyno guy not say something????
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Whoa, that second dyno graph looks nasty! I'd say your extra boost has caused some extra problems being close to 95,000 kms.
Pretty standard story. Tune + car with a few kms causes a few underlying issues to pop up.
Audi S3. Sold
Golf R. Sold
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That second graph would be good to ride my bike on!
Buggered if I know.
Happened to a mates GTI when we did it as well. Coilpacks, dv and clutch all needed to be replaced soon after.
So he sold it because "the tune made it unreliable". Not the no servicing for the last 30,000kms or the cheap oil that didn't meet standards, but the tune.
Audi S3. Sold
Golf R. Sold
Citroen DS3 Dsport. Sold
2016 Skoda Octavia RS Wagon.
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It's OK guys, the OP just wanted to know the experience of other GTI drivers with their tunes and as he said he is still happy with the tune only expected more at the lower end.
Looking at that second graph there are some issues and the time was set with DUBGTI to look at his car. After all, not everything has to be as new on the performance car that done close to 100,000km and these things can happen and are perfectly fixable.
Last edited by Transporter; 04-10-2012 at 05:32 PM.
Performance Tunes from $850Wrecking RS OCTAVIA 2 Link
Sorry where did I slam the Tune?? I have said nothing but nice things about the people involved who are more than willing to help fix the problem.
I believe I was asking for people's opinion on my state of tune and if it is producing the same sort of results on the dyno and road etc as other peoples GTI's. I felt mine was a little off and decided to see if anyone here could help me with some info, so I knew where I was at in regards to my tune. Clearly there is a problem with my tune as has been stated by many people here and I thank you all for your input.
I thought that my second dyno run graph was a tad out with regards to a nice power curve, and am wondering if it would be possible to cause a leak from my DV when I changed it to the upgraded OEM Rev D version? maybe I didn't do all the bolts up enough and the added boost from the tune is causing a leak?
Any other ideas where to look for faults in my GTI, I tired to prevent weak supporting mod failure by preempting them and swapping out the known culprits before I got the tune done. I might look into the ignition system causing issues with misfires as stated in an earlier post and into the hypothetical boost leak I may have caused but not noticed until I was running more boost... who knows.