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Thread: Tuning software

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Lonewolf1983 Tuning software 26-05-2010, 02:00 AM
parso_rex I know what you need but its... 31-05-2010, 10:26 AM
Lonewolf1983 2002, so ODBII I believe.... 01-06-2010, 07:51 PM
parso_rex It all depends on what your... 01-06-2010, 10:04 PM
Lonewolf1983 a lot of the money involved... 01-06-2010, 11:11 PM
parso_rex Yeah there would be the gains... 01-06-2010, 11:41 PM
Lonewolf1983 submitted a query to my local... 11-06-2010, 01:24 AM
Lonewolf1983 Got word back from local... 16-06-2010, 01:28 AM
WhO Sounds interesting, i'm... 17-06-2010, 11:09 PM
Lonewolf1983 traction control may go, but... 17-06-2010, 11:22 PM
WhO Ahh **** i meant EDL! too... 18-06-2010, 11:31 PM
Lonewolf1983 Doesnt have EDL (electronic... 18-06-2010, 11:58 PM
parso_rex It looks like we will be... 23-06-2010, 11:13 AM
WhO Hey blake, i might have found... 11-07-2010, 06:27 PM
parso_rex Theres a place in Sydney that... 11-07-2010, 10:40 PM
WhO You might be able to tell me... 12-07-2010, 03:39 AM
Lonewolf1983 I queried eurodyne about the... 12-07-2010, 05:19 AM
parso_rex You should only need to do... 12-07-2010, 04:30 PM
Lonewolf1983 C2 has confirmed that they... 13-07-2010, 11:48 PM
WhO Thats excellent news! I... 14-07-2010, 12:08 AM
parso_rex Just make sure that you... 14-07-2010, 08:40 AM
Lonewolf1983 I talked with my tuner today,... 29-07-2010, 02:35 PM
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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    You might be able to tell me Mark, regarding the immobiliser issue

    (copy from my thread on vwvortex)
    from what i've read on Ross-tech the immobiliser (Immo 3) wont let a new used ecu (ECU#2) just plug in and run as it needs to be coded to the car. However if i understand the instructions correctly i need both the 7digit SKC from both the Current ecu (ECU#1) in the car and the SKC from ECU#2 i'm intending on putting into the car.

    Thus the problem, the ECU i'm looking at purchasing is from a wreckers and as such has no car attached to it anymore and no way to pull the SKC that i know of. Does this mean that this ECU is effectively useless for me and essentially anybody that might purchase it?

    Another issue i've found on ross - tech:

    How does the 7 digit PIN/SKC work?

    Check this page for the 7-digit PIN/SKC dialog in VAG-COM:

    Ross-Tech: VAG-COM Tour: 7-digit PIN/SKC

    You must enter the following information:

    7-digit SKC that the dealer retrieved for your exact Immobilizer ID Number.

    Date on which the 7-digit SKC was RETRIEVED BY THE DEALER.

    Workshop Code (WSC) for the dealer that retrieved the SKC.

    Importer Number for the dealer that retrieved the SKC.

    The 7-digit SKC is useless without the other three items.
    Does this mean that effectivally unless you can get all of these 4 pieces of information for both of the ecu's then the new used ecu is useless unless the immobiliser is disabled? Is there any way to do this without the car, ie if i just plug in the new used ecu can Vag Tacho pull the required 4 pieces of information from the new ecu?

    Arghhh damnn VW and making things difficult i now remember why i gave up on boosting the vr6 the first time and just bought a GTR instead! This time i'm more determined though!

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    I queried eurodyne about the maestro software a while ago, apparently the VR6 version was still in development.
    I also dont know if it has the ability to scale enough for a turbo conversion as he mentioned he was only working on N/A for it...

    The immobiliser issue does worry me also...
    I have contacted both C2 and Unitronic to see what the options are, I am considering shipping my ECU to them to put an n/a cam flash on for now. if it goes well I guess I know that its going to be suitable for upgrading to a F/I tune down the track...
    Current: '04 Astra SRI Turbo - EDS IPF Flash, 3" TBE, Quaife LSD
    Previously: Bora 4mo, cams, coilovers, tune, exhaust, brembo's etc

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by WhO View Post
    You might be able to tell me Mark, regarding the immobiliser issue
    (copy from my thread on vwvortex)
    from what i've read on Ross-tech the immobiliser (Immo 3) wont let a new used ecu (ECU#2) just plug in and run as it needs to be coded to the car. However if i understand the instructions correctly i need both the 7digit SKC from both the Current ecu (ECU#1) in the car and the SKC from ECU#2 i'm intending on putting into the car.

    Thus the problem, the ECU i'm looking at purchasing is from a wreckers and as such has no car attached to it anymore and no way to pull the SKC that i know of. Does this mean that this ECU is effectively useless for me and essentially anybody that might purchase it?

    Does this mean that effectivally unless you can get all of these 4 pieces of information for both of the ecu's then the new used ecu is useless unless the immobiliser is disabled? Is there any way to do this without the car, ie if i just plug in the new used ecu can Vag Tacho pull the required 4 pieces of information from the new ecu?

    Arghhh damnn VW and making things difficult i now remember why i gave up on boosting the vr6 the first time and just bought a GTR instead! This time i'm more determined though!
    You should only need to do the one and then mate the other ones to suit - I would think and thats if you can get the SKC out of it ... I say think because I haven't had to do much of it up till now. Its such a waste of everyones time too
    One car I was looking at last week had ECU info from two types of ECU. WTF is that about, I do know actually but its just dodgy.

    Edit: you might want to pop Maverick a PM, I'm sure he'd know a fair bit about this stuff
    Last edited by parso_rex; 12-07-2010 at 05:54 PM.

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    C2 has confirmed that they can flash my ECU...
    Tempted to send over for a high flow cat / cam tune, and if all good means I can ship it back one day for turbo software
    Current: '04 Astra SRI Turbo - EDS IPF Flash, 3" TBE, Quaife LSD
    Previously: Bora 4mo, cams, coilovers, tune, exhaust, brembo's etc

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    Thats excellent news! I havent heard back from eurodyne as yet so pending however long it takes for me to get my turbo stuff together i might just get C2 to do my ecu as well seemings as i will be ordering a few things from them anyway. Plus as a bonus getting a tune from them will be about half that of getting a tuner here locally to retune my ecu although obviously there are advantages of getting it done locally. Anyway before i can make any solid plans i need to get back to Aust first!

  6. #6
    Just make sure that you INSIST that you will get a copy of your ECU's the external flash and eeprom memories i.e your stock files. It could save you a world of hurt in future and it shouldn't cost you a cent.
    I'm looking at some big turbo files atm here not from either of these two places though and they aren't the best, little things that you can drive around but what looks like a careless error in some tables (and yet nice stuff in others) . You just don't want to get stuck with a bad tune that you or any other place can never remove.
    Last edited by parso_rex; 14-07-2010 at 08:45 AM.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2010
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    I talked with my tuner today, and he may be willing to stump up some cash to get the software that the overseas reflashers use to custom tune.
    Probably look at an outright cost and a royalty for each tune or something.

    Does anyone have any contacts with a company that may be able to provide such software to my tuner to purchase?
    WA is lacking a workshop to do any sort of real-time tuning on VAG cars
    Current: '04 Astra SRI Turbo - EDS IPF Flash, 3" TBE, Quaife LSD
    Previously: Bora 4mo, cams, coilovers, tune, exhaust, brembo's etc

  8. #8
    He might be in a for a bit of a rude shock when he finds out what the whole package will cost. As yours is an ME7 ECU I'd seriously look at
    Welcome to EURODYNE - Maestro 7 Tuning Suite
    I know they might not have the AU ones sorted at the moment but if theres enough interest........
    You can only do real time tuning on cars up to say 2004/2005 where the mapping info is stored on an external flash chip & not internally in the processor. The ME7 which does have an external flash chip can't be done in real time for some reason, I think just lots of stored quick flashes before you do a full write. You need additional hardware for this too, we didn't bother with it.
    The other thing is the tuning methods are completely different to what he would be used to and to be honest its very hard to work out initially so he will need a lot of time up his sleeves.
    Last edited by parso_rex; 29-07-2010 at 02:51 PM.


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