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Thread: SprintBooster discussion

  1. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fab_R View Post
    Nothing to be skeptical about gents, its the real deal and solves the issue with them........Hope this info helps!
    I should have made that clear if I didn't. Even after driving his stinking bloody faster than mine but at least its the wrong colour R, there was a clear difference.

    I just want to know HOW it does it!

  2. #22
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    I imagine that's what the driver who just got overtaken by my little 1.4L Golf asks as well

  3. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by dave_r View Post
    I should have made that clear if I didn't. Even after driving his stinking bloody faster than mine but at least its the wrong colour R,


    Quote Originally Posted by dave_r View Post
    there was a clear difference
    Quote Originally Posted by dave_r View Post

    I just want to know HOW it does it!
    Yes me too for sure....

  4. #24
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    I can accept that it takes away any "in built delay" (however small that is) on the electronic pedal. I also can believe that it changes the "accelerator curve" (electrical signal) so that there is more sensitivity in the initial pedal travel. This picture from the SB site indicates that my theory is correct:

    If you prefer a detailed explanation, the SB "How It Works" page says exactly what I've been saying in all my posts on the topic.

    I feel that the summary from that page is this quote: "Sprint Booster DOES make your car 'FEEL' faster."

    But what I can't accept is that it allows you to do anything else that you couldn't already do before. Even the SB website states that! All the device is doing is reducing the amount of pedal travel that is required to do what you're now doing with less pedal travel.

    The "how it works" page doesn't even mention anything about the removal of this so called "built in delay". Maybe you "feel" is is gone because of the change in the "feel". And as their site says, the reduction in pedal travel may or may not be a good thing depending on your view.

    So when I see posts saying things like "unlocks most of the torque needed to get the job done quickly" or "With SB in Race mode, I can get through first gear quite a bit quicker without spinning wheels, and then the rest of the acceleration is a lot quicker as well (since I wouldn't normally floor the pedal, for example)". Even their site denies these things. You're just being fooled by the change in pedal feel. If you had trouble before, maybe you needed to press your pedal more, because that's all the SB is doing

    Please don't get me wrong. I'm not saying that changing the "accelerator curve" is a bad thing - several great cars have a button does that very thing, including all the current BMW M cars - but lets not get carried away with what this device is actually doing
    Last edited by Corey_R; 21-01-2011 at 04:50 PM. Reason: Rewording

  5. #25
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    If I press the pedal any more in stock - the wheels spin and I look like an idiot. Just take my word for it.

    I'm sure you're familiar with how the car becomes more/less docile over time - all the docility is gone. It's just like the day I trialed APR and then some.

  6. #26
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    To anyone who has ever driven a Mercedes-Benz, this mod sounds like the opposite of how MB like to configure their accelerator pedal.

    Thanks to the OP for the info.

  7. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ryan_R View Post
    If I press the pedal any more in stock - the wheels spin and I look like an idiot. Just take my word for it.
    I respectfully won't take your word for it, because according to the makers of this wonderful device, all it is doing is pressing the pedal for you better. It hasn't change your tyres to slicks or anything. It hasn't changed the programming of your gearbox. They also state, and I quote "Sprint Booster does not reduce your 0-60mph times."

    So whilst I understand that you feel it is doing something more - it really isn't doing what you claim it is doing...

  8. #28
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    I've said this before and will state it again. The SB doesn't increase actual performance i.e. kw/hp. It just improves the feel - so it feels like the car is performing better.i.e. it improves the drivability of the car.

    Capercat and a couple of us did a test tonight and it does do what it claims to do. It does remove the pedal travel/delay. So it feels like your car is more responsive because it is. It is responding to your input in real time.

  9. #29
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    Exactly . I don't know if the lag we all know and love is just a DSG thing, a VW thing, or if it's common to all cars with ETC (to the same severity in anycase).

    I don't have an R, and have never driven one. My car is the first one I've owned with ETC, and it didn't feel right. I ignored it because I loved everything else about the Mk6 Golf. If lag = delay = slower, then no lag has to be faster (in the real world). I know what all the marketing material says about no extra performance, but from all the searching I did - the only negative reviews I found were associated with Manual transmission vehicles where the drivers couldn't do 'heel-n-toe' downshifts as well, besides the fact their cars were already much faster than mine and probably had a Sports button that did the job. I've had my car since August last year and have tried quite a few techniques - and a good launch was a fluke at best, but not as good or consistent/predictable as what I'm getting now.

    My drivetrain is compeltely different to your R so you're better off discussing with Fab anyway. Maybe the fact I have a supercharger makes an even bigger difference for me (the GTI and R aren't twin-charged, right?)

  10. #30
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    The main component of a "sprint booster" is a resistor which costs about 5 cents from any electronics store. This is probably about the most offensive thing about these products.

    It's no different to changing the fulcrum points in a carby linkage to gain less pedal travel for a given throttle opening.

    For ultimate performance gain you could just replace the throttle position sensor with a switch. That way you'll get instantaneous full throttle. (May be problematic in many driving scenarios)

    If you like the result and aren't offended by the price, sprint boosters maybe for you. I'll just move my foot faster.

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