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Thread: Power Modules (tuning boxes)

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Perth, WA

    Power Modules (tuning boxes)

    Rather than an APR Stage 1 tune I'm considering purchasing and fitting a Neuspeed power module which is around $500 providing a 30kw boost. Worthwhile interim measure until I save the cash for a Stage 1 tune?

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  2. #2
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    I would avoid the NeuSpeed module and go with the Berger Tuning JB1 box which costs a little more but has not only plenty of users here in Australia, but good feedback and proven results in terms of power gains.

    Some guys are getting quite amazing 1/4 mile times and trap speeds with the Berger Tuning box.

    JB1 tuning solution - Some background / Anyone using one?
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  3. #3
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    I have the JB1, awesome tune. Bonus is it takes 10 min to pull it out if you need to go in for warranty, no trace! Had an apr in my previous car and this feels just as good or very close anyway.

    MY16 Golf R
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  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by Russ View Post
    Bonus is it takes 10 min to pull it out if you need to go in for warranty, no trace! Had an apr in my previous car and this feels just as good or very close anyway.
    I don't want to sound pessimistic, because I am genuinely interested if this is true, but is there any proof that the dealer would have no idea? Because if it's true I'll be buying a module tomorrow rather than waiting another 2 years for my warranty to expire...
    2016 GTI Performance | Pure White | JB1 | Dog Bone | Full Tint | Stop/Start Delete | Avatar by sandwg

  5. #5

    Power Module

    Both seem like good options.

    I have been told by my dealer that is that if they thoroughly investigates the ECU data it can show that there was *something* installed.

    Is there truth in this?
    Last edited by rindelk; 03-03-2016 at 10:26 PM.

  6. #6
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    I've read a lot of forums regarding whether any of the tunes leave a trace once removed. The general consensus is that with apr there might be a trace but very hard to pinpoint unless they dig for it. The JB1 seems to be untraceable as you physically remove the whole device. I've never read of anyone being caught out on the warranty after pulling it out. I had my car in for some warranty work a few weeks ago,minor rattle stuff, and they never said a word. The support from burger tuning for the JB1 is awesome too, George is fantastic and replies to all questions really quickly.

    MY16 Golf R
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  7. #7
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    I might at least wait until my first service then lol.
    2016 GTI Performance | Pure White | JB1 | Dog Bone | Full Tint | Stop/Start Delete | Avatar by sandwg

  8. #8
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    I've heard of absolutely zero cases of warranty denial from a piggy back tune, where the piggy back was removed from the car before a dealer seeing it... Has anyone else got any anecdotal evidence of a denial from a piggy back tune?

    If it's never happened, isn't that proof enough?

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by Primordial View Post
    I've heard of absolutely zero cases of warranty denial from a piggy back tune, where the piggy back was removed from the car before a dealer seeing it... Has anyone else got any anecdotal evidence of a denial from a piggy back tune?

    If it's never happened, isn't that proof enough?
    Not sure if you're quoting anyone here or just summing up the thread so far lol...

    Regardless, I know hat you're saying. It's just very hard to swallow because there have been plenty of tuning products that made similar claims but were then proven to be false dawns.

    I for one will be getting my hands on a unit later this year. I keep seeing references to JB4 boxes being available soon as well but I can't find anything concrete about it. I have no idea what the actual difference between a JB1 and JB4 unit is. JB4's are available for other model cars already. All I know is that the JB4's are supposedly better.
    2016 GTI Performance | Pure White | JB1 | Dog Bone | Full Tint | Stop/Start Delete | Avatar by sandwg

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by mattaus View Post
    Not sure if you're quoting anyone here or just summing up the thread so far lol...

    Regardless, I know hat you're saying. It's just very hard to swallow because there have been plenty of tuning products that made similar claims but were then proven to be false dawns.

    I for one will be getting my hands on a unit later this year. I keep seeing references to JB4 boxes being available soon as well but I can't find anything concrete about it. I have no idea what the actual difference between a JB1 and JB4 unit is. JB4's are available for other model cars already. All I know is that the JB4's are supposedly better.
    Just summing up the thread.

    The JB4 is a more advanced unit - it connects to OBDII and can take control of AFR's, puts menus in the OSD.. among other things (similar features to a flash tune). It's not due for release any time soon. I'm guessing it'll be late this year, just going from how George (the developer) has been talking about it - every time someone asks, there's not even a rough guesstimate let alone a fixed date.

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