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Thread: Post APR tune Insurance company suggestions?

  1. #11

    +1 for Shannons. The might be reluctant to insure you with a daily driver unless you have a good history with a car club or a cams licence or something to that effect. I was having a decent chat to the guys when I was in the WRX club and they basically said that people in car clubs tend not to make dodgy claims which if you think about it make sense.

    Last month I made my first ever claim ( wife reverses into road grader after being distracted by alarms and display on dash warning of impending impact lol - dont ask ) and I chose a premium repairer myself and the whole thing went through flawlessly.
    My car is fairly modified too with a bigger turbo and other necessities and yes they like to hear what you've done too.

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Mar 2015
    Thread Starter

    Thanks PR, the guys I spoke to at Shannons were very helpful and happy to tell me of all the mods to their cars, too!

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