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Thread: Post APR 6hr trial complications

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  1. #1
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    Post APR 6hr trial complications

    Hi everyone,

    Couple of weeks ago, I had an APR dealer in melbourne give me a 6hr trial of Stage 1 APR. It was the first experience I've had with a chip tune and wanted to compare what other tunes were capable of.

    Contacted another tuner in Melbourne who was kind enough to come round and answer all my question and was willing to give me a trial of another tune. Only problem is when he plugged in the device which reminded of a 'bluefin' device. It spat out all sorts of error codes.

    I told him that I had an APR trial run beforehand but it's 'all back to stock now'. He told me that the car might be performing at a stock level but APR's code is still in my ECU and that I needed the APR dealer to revert it back to 'full stock' in order for the new tune to work properly.

    I've since called back to the APR dealer in question and have called APR Australia's help line and both have assured me that 'stock is stock' and that APR's code 'disappears after 6hrs' and 'if it can be overwritten by your dealer, any other tuner can overwrite it e.g. Giac, Oettinger' (inverted commas are their words, not mine)

    This whole things has left me very confused and somewhat frustrated. I'm being told conflicting information by different people.

    Can anyone out there help to clarify the situation for me?

    Thanks everyone!

    p.s. I've done some searching and it seems other people may have had a similar experiece as me.
    APR Trial - Can't reinstall bluefin [Archive] - VW GTI Forum / VW Rabbit Forum / VW R32 Forum / VW Golf Forum - Golfmkv.com
    MkV Jetta
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  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    I'd comment, but id get in trouble.

    ive heard several people in sydney alone with the same problems.

    It is "aprs" stock code.. it is not VW's stock code.
    What’s behind you doesn’t matter..

  3. #3
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    And also, I know how sometimes posts about ecu tuning can get people worked up.
    Don't want to get anyone in trouble.
    I want to side step any of that controversy and just ask the simple question of:

    Does 'post APR 6hr trial' Stock = '100% VW' Stock?
    If yes then case closed.
    If no, then how do I get my original 100% VW stock tune back?

    MkV Jetta
    2.0T FSI

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by turboveedubb View Post
    And also, I know how sometimes posts about ecu tuning can get people worked up.
    Don't want to get anyone in trouble.
    I want to side step any of that controversy and just ask the simple question of:

    Does 'post APR 6hr trial' Stock = '100% VW' Stock?
    If yes then case closed.
    If no, then how do I get my original 100% VW stock tune back?

    APR stock = standard calibration but not 100% stock ECU otherwise your bluefin would work.

  5. #5
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    Ok, quite a few people are of that opinion. So how do I get my 100% stock tune back?

    MkV Jetta
    2.0T FSI

  6. #6
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    This is my take on things.

    The APR trial has to be a replacement code in my mind. You have no ability after the trial finishes, to switch between programs, that I am aware of.

    They are partially correct that there's no problem flashing over the trial. I have done a few personally. The problem I think you are having, is that you need to read the standard code and send it to Superchips. Superchips alter that and send it back to you. As it's not the standard code in the ECU then there's a conflict occurring.

    I am sure Guy will be along shortly to clarify what's happening.


  7. #7
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    Many questions were asked in this thread I would be more than happy to answer. I'm typing on my phone headed to one of our Motorsport races but when I have full access to a keyboard I'll answer each question & concern.

    Thank you!

    APR, llc.

  8. #8
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    WOW. Interesting read. Thanks for sharing your experience. Hope you get it all worked out mate.

    Sure it will make a few others think twice about who they use.

  9. #9
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    ahhhhhh crap. vww is doomed now.......
    84 MK1 GTI
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  10. #10
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    Can someone please lock this thread.

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