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Thread: Post APR 6hr trial complications

  1. #41
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    WOW. Interesting read. Thanks for sharing your experience. Hope you get it all worked out mate.

    Sure it will make a few others think twice about who they use.

  2. #42
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    ahhhhhh crap. vww is doomed now.......
    84 MK1 GTI
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  3. #43
    Join Date
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    Can someone please lock this thread.

  4. #44
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    Quote Originally Posted by Big Yellow View Post
    ahhhhhh crap. vww is doomed now.......
    Why? If you said it as a joke, then use "a smiley".
    If, you were serious, it's sad and I recommend, that you use a common sense. It helps in the everyday life too.

  5. #45
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    Quote Originally Posted by Transporter View Post
    Why? If you said it as a joke, then use "a smiley".
    If, you were serious, it's sad and I recommend, that you use a common sense. It helps in the everyday life too.
    If you spent a little bit of time on the US forums you would know that Arins reputation precedes him. I think Big Yellow was basically implying "there goes the neighbourhood" <==<< smiley inserted for clarification

  6. #46
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    I thought it was great of Arin to come over hear and try to help out all he can.

  7. #47
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    Quote Originally Posted by Big_M View Post
    I thought it was great of Arin to come over hear and try to help out all he can.
    Of course it is. I don't have any doubts that the OP will get his ECU sorted out.

  8. #48
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    All fixed now.

    Took the car back to the APR Dealer today and the ECU has been reflashed back to stock.

    I'm glad this is all sorted out now.

    I may just leave it for it while I think.

    Amazing how much controversy this thread has created...oops

    If the mods want, you can lock this thread now.
    (But maybe don't delete it for others' benefit?)

    As an aside:

    I was thinking that APR Australia may consider a slight change to their model with the ECU tunes?
    -Rather than a free trial, how about a token amount (say $50) upfront with a 6hr timer on it with full disclosure to the customer.
    -If the customer likes it and wants to keep it, take $50 off the cost of the permanent tune (so overall cost is the same)
    -If the customer doesn't like it for any reason, reflash it back to stock but the dealer gets to keep the $50 to reimburse time and labour.

    I think that's a fair approach.
    MkV Jetta
    2.0T FSI

  9. #49
    I think what giving everyone grief is the fact that there is no upfront indication of the extent of modifications being done to the different areas of the ECU compared to other tuning options and to be fair its not just APR either. If they need to go to extremes in order to protect their work thats fair enough BUT IMO the customer should be made aware of this and the possible issues that could arise in certain situations. Even the trial users should be told upfront that they really do have a full blown tune installed on their vehicle ready to be unlocked at a later date if they so desire - I don't think many people understand this.
    I note now that APR do offer a return to stock option for warranty purposes but at an additonal yearly premium so at least they do acknowledge it could be of concern to some.

    Last edited by parso_rex; 03-03-2011 at 06:15 PM.

  10. #50
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    I'm going to lock this now the OP has been sorted out.

    Guy if you want to make a comment when you get back let someone/me know and we'll give you the opportunity.


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