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Thread: please dont laugh at my question....

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Oct 2007
    Melbourne, Nth West

    Vw girl try Audvolks

    James Day
    22 Murdock Street

    03 9544 9455

    Also, I'm sure there are lots of exhaust places in the East which can help you.
    Google it.

    I've fitted a 2'' cat back system to my 2.0l MkIV from a local exhaust place. It cost me $500.00 and I have gained approx 8kw.
    The advice I got was anything bigger than two inch on a non turbo will just be all noise. With exhaust systems bigger is not always better.

  2. #12
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    Melbourne, Mexico
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    Quote Originally Posted by VW gIrL View Post
    Thanks for the welcome all For those of you that have asked I am from Melbourne, eastern suburbs.

    My brother is paying for it because he's nice like that I understand your GTI idea but I wouldve assumed that all decent aftermarket performance exhausts are a lot better than a standard one

    If anyone is wondering why I am not asking my brother these questions its because he doesnt want to tell me. He says that he would like for me to learn all this stuff because it might come in handy........dont know how Plus, me learing all this stuff is a condition for him paying for it.
    Get your brother to pay for a trip to the Gold Coast or something.

    If you are intent on spending his money, I wouldn't get a system form the states. Too much trouble if you have problems. There are plenty of systems that are designed specifically for your car, Jetex, Supersprint are just a couple. Personally, having done it myself, I'd have a look around the local speed shops and see what you get offered. Don't be going too big it'll sound awful. 2 and a quarter will be plenty. A std GTI system is about that diameter.

    I had a turbo back 3 inch system made for my Audi for 1900 bucks.


  3. #13
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    If i was you I would just go for sound and hook up a mint sound system.

    With an exhaust the car will still be slow and the money could be better spent. Could have got a mk4 gti for that money couldnt you?

    But if you are dead set the advise these guys give ya is usaly ACE and I agree, 2.25" is good enough, have a shop around some exhaust places and see what you come up with.
    MK1 GLS 3door
    A4 B7 2.0T

  4. #14
    VW gIrL Guest
    thank you so much, I will definately check out Audvolks when i get a chance. Also thanks for the 2" non turbo advice.

    Well id prefer getting the parts myself individually and then taking them somewhere to get installed (if thats the correct term). How about Lukey exhausts? Ive been doing research on the net and they seem to pop up eveywhere, so did Jetex, Remus & Magnaflow

    The sound system is next to come. No doubt i will be asking questions when that time comes

    Also, could somebody please explain to me my initial question? Its been driving me crazy

    Quote Originally Posted by VW gIrL View Post

    Pipe = 2"
    Catalytic Converter = 2" (both inlet and outlet)
    Muffler = 2" (both inlet and outlet)
    Resonator = 2" (both inlet and outlet)
    Exhaust Tip = 2" (both inlet and outlet)

    It just doesn't make sense to me because if everything above was 2", how would they fit/connect with each other when putting it together?

    VW gIrL

  5. #15
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    Throw on a decent suspension set don't bother with a exhaust!
    I'm soo euro even my missus is shaved...

  6. #16
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    If you wanted a higher quality of noise you could just go for a new rear muffler and tips, with the resonator (central muffler) replaced with another less restrictive muffler.


    If you value your health and hearing

    This is a daily driver, not a race car driven with a helmet on.

  7. #17
    VW gIrL Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by Mk3vr6 View Post
    Throw on a decent suspension set don't bother with a exhaust!
    I never knew suspension could give you better performace?

    Quote Originally Posted by Golf Houso View Post

    If you value your health and hearing
    Thanks for the advice.

    You boys must like driving me crazy dont you You still havent answered my question, I feel like im back at high school trying to work out the logistics behind it.........

    Quote Originally Posted by VW gIrL View Post

    Pipe = 2"
    Catalytic Converter = 2" (both inlet and outlet)
    Muffler = 2" (both inlet and outlet)
    Resonator = 2" (both inlet and outlet)
    Exhaust Tip = 2" (both inlet and outlet)

    It just doesn't make sense to me because if everything above was 2", how would they fit/connect with each other when putting it together?

    VW gIrL

  8. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by VW gIrL View Post
    I never knew suspension could give you better performace?
    Depends what you want to do but if you want to taket the car through the twisties then yes! Thats performance/ handling.

    Removing the middle muffler is where the powers at! If you are going to put an exhaust and you want to make it move alot more free flowing then thats what you do!
    I'm soo euro even my missus is shaved...

  9. #19
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    Removing the middle muffler is where the powers at!
    Yes, but I seriously doubt the 1-2hp gain is worth having perforated ear drums and being forced to wear a hearing aid in 5 years

    As for your question VW girl, yes that exhaust would be perfectly appropriate for your car, it is a matched system with similarly sized piping. They've provided you with all the necessary components for a complete install, minus the labour of course.

    We're just confusing you with alternatives

    Tbh, I suggest you actually make it to an exhaust place in your spare time and ask them for exhaust solutions, we're only giving you second hand information

  10. #20
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    Jan 2008

    hahaha she just wants to knwo if she has to use the same size piping throughout the whole thing... the answer is no you dont have to isnt it?

    so basically its if you want show or go. if you want your car to be faster then dont bother with straight line speed (ie an exhaust) because lets face it your car wasnt really built for that. you'd be better off getting some swaybars and springs or if you're serious some coilover suspension (from kw or bilstein etc) to make it fun through the twisties as mk3vr6 said. you could also free up a few horses with a pod filter or panel filter (replaces the stock filter and sounds better).

    if you want show then you can go down the exhaust route but as somebody has said you dont have to replace the entire system to get that growl you want. also consider some wheels or again you could drop the car with lower springs. colour-coding the black bumpers gives it a cleaner more unique look

    whereabouts are you we can recommend some reliable mechanics who know something about our cars as most places have never had one in their shops and will use your car as a guinnypig.

    2x Caddy, 1x Ducato

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