OK, So I tried again. This time I put the thermostat in first and held it in place with the O-ring. It sealed up fine. But now it takes forever to come up to 90degC but when it does, it stays there rock solid.
Hi All
I just replaced the thermostat on the ssat. I could not get the paper gasket that came with the new t'stat to fit on the car, so I left it off. It was a real pain lining up the t'stat housing with the new thermostat in it. I reused the o-ring that came out.
Now I have a drip drip coming out. Can anyone offer me some tips?
OK, So I tried again. This time I put the thermostat in first and held it in place with the O-ring. It sealed up fine. But now it takes forever to come up to 90degC but when it does, it stays there rock solid.
Well I noticed that the water level had come down a little. I topped it up and on the way home it worked perfectly. A few minutes to warm up and then rock solid 90degC all the way home. It must have just needed to burp the system.
Also I noticed that the thermostat that I took out of the car had 87degC stamped on it. Odd
87 degrees is what its supposed to be mate, can call it a 90 though. itll sit on 90, i think maybe it starts opening at 87 or somethin like that. nothin to worry about.