I'm staying out of this one
I'm staying out of this one
76 MkI 3 door - daily drive/project - 1.8 5speed
76 MkI 3 door swallowtail - 16v track car
76 MkI 3 door "long term" project
Okay so I am bringing back two clones of me but one with blonde hair and a little taller.
You trying to tell me something Ray????
I don't complain when the car racing is on! I wish I was on the screen though.
I don't go shopping unless I know the one shop i have to go to and what i want.
My suitcases are empty, so 3 K04's, 2 intercooler kits, 4 HD lamp kits, a couple of R32's anything else lol
Well guys and girls I am off next Friday but some how I think I will be stopped at customs as I think I will need a whole shipping container not a bag or two.
I am going for a last cruise this Friday night so whoever can make it I would appreciate it. Just maybe Lapa or Bondi or maybe we can do a photo cruise. I have found a whole lot of great photo spots.
If you get a chance Biance,go to this SUPER MODDING STORE,they are everywhere in Germany and stock everything!!!!!!!!!!!
might try to catch you guys fri night!!!
Thats the best advice Kenji!
Ive done this a few times coming home from london via tokyo or osaka.
I wear my heaviest pair of shoes (I take thongs for on the plane to stay comfy), if its colder where your going to or from take your biggest jacket out of your bag as its not counted as hand luggage!
But the most important is to keep that smile no matter how heavy the bag is! I brought back 30kg in hand and 40 in checked in (JAL and most of the asian airlines seem to be more generous with luggage allowances)
Have a great trip ago41t & mk2.
Also agree with Germans and English!
My boyfriends neighbour has been in Germany for 9 months on a internship with BMW and he didnt now any German before going there!