Anyone use this app for iPhone ??
Hi guys, did a search on the forum for this specific program with no luck, its available in the iPhone app store and was wondering if anyone has used it ( with the cable) and finds it interesting/useful. I want to try it just for a learning curve for my GTI. It does seem to have some quite nice features.
DashCommand - Palmer Performance Engineering, Inc.
Anyone use this app for iPhone ??
I would be keen to try it if I had the OBDII hardware that you need accompanying it, from their website it lists these particular modules that work with the software:
GoPoint GL1
Innovate Motorsports OT-2
OBDLink WiFi
PLX Kiwi Wifi
PLX Kiwi Wifi + iMFD
MKV GTI Pirelli
get Torque for $5, does the same thing and works very well with my OBDKey over Bluetooth.
By the way, Torque reads GPS data as well. Not sure Dash Command does that.
Last edited by sabloke; 18-06-2011 at 01:35 PM.
U have the Kiwi Wifi cable, and running dash command... After some initial teething problems (it's not just plug in and play as quoted), you need to add the proper WLAN numbers into your iPad/iPhone.
Dash command uses GPS for race track lap info, and you can download many different dash skins for free too.
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