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Thread: Next-gen tuning attempts to bypass VAG 'TD1' warranty scan

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2010

    Next-gen tuning attempts to bypass VAG 'TD1' warranty scan

    Browsing a tuning thread on another forum for the new Audi S3 (equivalent to Mk7 Golf R) someone posted some written communication from ABT:

    Reference tuning, as discussed this is something we can offer, this would be in the form of an ABT AEC (ABT Engine Controller).
    This is an additional ECU which runs along side the Audi Module to increase power to 370PS! Torque is also up by 80NM.
    The huge advantage of is that is untraceable via the new Audi diagnostic tool as it is a totally separate engine control unit with a different address.

    Reference removal, It is visible in the engine bay, however it is not visible to the Audi Diagnostic tooling.

    The main issue reference warranty claims seems to be where the car goes online to Audi, (when a conventional remap has been carried out) it then logs the fact that the ECU has been re-programmed and then can cause issues reference a warranty claim. As this is a separate module that does not occur as it has no way of communication via the Audi tooling.

    So in summary it could be removed if required, however no really necessary. - We can also offer a 'bridge' device that simply plugs in so the fitted loom to return the car to standard.
    Sounds like the additional hardware and R&D will likely increase the costs of these software tunes.

    Info on the current TD1 warranty flags:

    On some newer cars ECU modifications are automatically detected when connected to diagnostic equipment and recorded on the VAG servers for life. On older cars the technician has to run a time-consuming scan process to check - some technicians won't bother wasting time doing this if they don't have to.

  2. #2
    Unfortunately that information is ~ 4 years out of date (commencement of TD1 tagging in late 2009).

    Piggyback ECU's can be detected

    1: Physically (by ECU present or modified wiring harness)
    2: Stored boost & other tuning parameters

    So its a catch up / rebuild constant loop. If you know of the processing power of the new Simos ECU in the MK7 you would never attempt to put an "interceptor" tuning box in place - they are too smart & process too quickly these days.

    If anyone does get a tuning box, a simple check on how good it is, is to accelerate WOT hard, then step off the throttle completely, then 100% throttle again. See what happens

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    Thread Starter
    Good thing I wrote "attempt" in the thread title then

    The images in that post are old but the quote from ABT is recent (within last 3 weeks) - will be interesting to see what happens.
    If I did get a new S3/R I think I might keep it stock (even though the gains are pretty tempting).
    Hope to find out what APR/Viezu/et al are up to with this engine soon

  4. #4

    There is also a module that can be placed internally inside the ECU that leaves the identifiable sector intact & undetectable via OBD binary comparison. It's a good idea because it still allows modification of the internal memory & maps, but avoiding the TDI.

    Mind you, if someone opens the ECU it is sitting inside quite obviously!


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