im not quite 100% what you're asking here, but both are a flash not a chip, from giac anyway.
I am looking at purchasing a GIAC chip..
Supposedly if I have a 2002 1.8T FWD Passat, I should have a #4B0906018CM ECU. But my ECU is #4B0906018DF which they state as being for a 2005.
I have missed out on 2 other chips due to not having a CM.
Can someone tell me if this is an issue and why would I have a DF as opposed to a CM??
2009 125TDI Passat
2002 B5.5 1.8T Passat
im not quite 100% what you're asking here, but both are a flash not a chip, from giac anyway.
It is a standard ME7 upgrade over OBD; as such there is no need to try and buy a second hand GIAC chip for it when you can get a handheld flasher/switcher unit, etc. like our SRS-II.
VWWC Members - 2018 Special - ECU & DSG Remaps
DNA Tuning Australia - Enquiries:
That should be a flashable ECU. No point in buying a chip... What's your engine code?
AS above. You can do a chip swap but its much easier to flash over OBDII
your ECU's details will most probably be these,
HW number 0261207639
SW number: 1037362361
Eprom: 29F800 PSOP44 8Mbit - Flash 512K x 16
8 bit chksum: 62E2
Inv. 16 bit chksum: A5A2
UPG SW: 4B0906018DF 0001
its the only DF variant I can find