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Thread: Mk7 Golf GTI - Noisy exhaust

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    Mt Cotton

    Mk7 Golf GTI - Noisy exhaust

    Hi all I posted a few weeks back about my sons GTI tyre problem now all sorted , he now would like to know what options are around for two things . Cold Air Induction and then to make the exhaust note a bit more raspy , some idiot friend of his suggested a spacer with a gap in the main exhaust pipe to allow some noise to escape before it goes through the end silencing components . Sorry for not knowing all the tech terms forgive me I drive a pitiful 2.0 petrol powered T5 Transporter , I do wish when I had the opportunity around 12 years ago when it was new to whack an aftermarket Turbo onto it .Now sadly at 300000 plus kays a Turbo would be sure to blow the bloody thing to smithereens !! Thanks for any suggestions on the Golf . 2015 model .

  2. #2
    If he would like to keep the stock exhaust, a resonator delete would be the cheapest option to have a nice tone. Any exhaust shop can do this for cheap. $100-$300. Replace resonator with a straight pipe. Gives it a nice tone when hard on the foot but still quiet when cruising.

    I had it done a few weeks ago and recommend

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    Users Country Flag
    Yes as described above, a resonator delete is a very quick, affordable way (and reversible) to give the exhaust some extra volume. Literally any exhaust shop could do this work for you, but if it was me i would go to a better exhaust shop, pay a little more and have the job done neatly using stainless steel pipe and welded back up with a Tig welder.

    As for the intake, your sons cheapest option would be something like the CTS intake https://vtechaus.com.au/products/cts...lfr-golf-a3-s3. Its not cheap (especially compared to the resonator delete) but its about the most affordable intake to suit the MK7 GTI and R.
    2017 Ford Fiesta ST the go kart

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  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    Mt Cotton
    Thread Starter

    Thanks so far guys I do know a good exhaust shop had my cat "fixed" a year or so back in my T5 as I thought the engine was knackered , amazing how much better it ran after being "fixed "LOL I will pass on the info about the cold air kit to him .

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