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Thread: MK1 FP 8V Eng Conversion.

  1. #1
    jleahy_10 Guest

    Arrow MK1 FP 8V Eng Conversion.

    Looking to do some more serious mods to my engine and i was reading a thread a few slots down about putting a 16V head on an 8V bottom, and this got me thinking...And sorry for all the qn's, but hopefully can shed some light on this for me. For starters...Is there a 16V head that would sit on my 8V bottom? BTW my bottom has has a 10,000th bore, would this cause an issue? Would there be anything else i would have to do to make this conversion?
    And secondly, increasing the size of the valves...anyone here done this??? If so, did you get custom valves made (if you can do such a thing) or did you steal them from another car, if so what car, or if anyone has any suggestions?

    Thanks. James.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Melbourne, Williamstown
    Hey James, I've never heard of anyone putting a 16v head on a 1.6L mk1 block appart from an oettinger motor(very very few worldwide). I "think" the piston spacing might be different making it impossible to put a 16v head(mk2 or mk3) on a mk1 1.6 block.

    And the conversion you've heard about is taking a 2L 8v block and putting the 16v head on that. With a few modifications. They have a the same/similar bores so you don't have missmatch issues. With increased area in the 16v head over the 8v head, hence you get a compression drop, which is good for forced induction.

    As for bigger valves:
    8v yes can be done, usually take Audi 5E valves(same as mk1 1.8L Gti) and valve seats and get a professional to put them in. Bigger valves again are available but cost goes up greatly. And would probably have to be sourced from Europe.

    16v not much point, 16v's have big valves as is and would need some serious race porting and race cams to get any benefit of fitting larger valves to a 16v.
    Last edited by ausgolfer; 25-01-2007 at 12:34 PM.

    mk2 GTi 16v
    Corrado G60

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
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    A 16v head on an 8v 1600 block is quite common in Europe. This's the base for most of the Berg Cup engines. They of course run major internal upgrades, though

    1976 Project Carbon Mk1 - Sold! | 2015 Lotus Exige Cup | F80 M3 Family Wheels

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Melbourne, Williamstown
    Cool I didn't know it was possible.

    mk2 GTi 16v
    Corrado G60

  5. #5
    jleahy_10 Guest

    Arrow ooooh

    Which engine do they use the head from...and how or who do i see about getting one?

  6. #6
    syncro Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by Valver.
    A 16v head on an 8v 1600 block is quite common in Europe. This's the base for most of the Berg Cup engines. They of course run major internal upgrades, though
    I think that they use the Golf 2 1600 (not 100% sure)

  7. #7
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    I would reckon so as the bore is the same as the 1800 but the crank is shorter stroke.


  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Anyone have any details of the 1600 16v engines? I have been thinking I will put a 16v in my Scirocco, which has a 1986 1600cc engine atm. However, the car also has fsh and it would be nice to keep the matching numbers. This would also mean I dont need engineering, as the RTA have no idea
    Camden GTI Performance. VW / AUDI Specialists
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  9. #9
    jleahy_10 Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by syncro
    I think that they use the Golf 2 1600 (not 100% sure)
    Any idea as to how to come accross one of these??? And whether it would bolt on, and what i would have to change (if anything) to get it to run well?

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    The golf 2 1600cc engine is basically a smaller capacity of the 1800cc unit.
    Distinguisable from the early engines by the water outlet being on the right, not the left.

    It will be much easier to source a 1.8 engine in Australia.
    Camden GTI Performance. VW / AUDI Specialists
    All Mechanical Work, Log book Servicing, New and used Parts and Imports
    19-20/6 Badgally Road, Campbelltown, 2560
    02 4627 3072 or 0423 051737

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