Can you provide more info on the car & mods?
Can't see the issue, but I didn't like it with my setup when I tried last year.
I have just installed the N75 'J' valve over the OEM.
Not knowing what to expect I hesitantly took her for a drive. Slowing but surely started to open it up.
OMG it took off like a dog on lino! Mid range starts to surge a little but goes hard, and just rockets from a start.. it is like a different car.
Anyway my question is can it do any harm, as far as it revving so high and redlining and me wanting to punch it every corner and set of lights?
It actually seems to run cooler by the Temp gauge.
2009 125TDI Passat
2002 B5.5 1.8T Passat
Can you provide more info on the car & mods?
Can't see the issue, but I didn't like it with my setup when I tried last year.
2002 1.8T Passat, nothing but a Samco TIP and a K&N filter
2009 125TDI Passat
2002 B5.5 1.8T Passat