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Thread: Innovate OT2 Wifi Interface Compatibility Info

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    Users Country Flag

    Innovate OT2 Wifi Interface Compatibility Info

    g'day ladies and gents, for anyone interested i thought i'd start a post regarding the compatibility of the innovate ot2 ob2ii wifi interface.

    OT-2 OBD-II WiFi Interface for PCs and Smartphones

    i'd been having troubles trying to get the ot2 to work on my audi a3 8l, since buying the interface i'd read that they are not compatible but gav (h100vw) and danny (cylinderhead) kindly offered to call in and see if they could get it going.

    i'd just like to say what a couple of top blokes they are to give up a sunday arvo to call in and help a fellow vag fan out. it was the first time i'd ever met danny and i'm sure i'll catch up with him again. both guys have a huge amount of knowledge between them.

    it had been getting on my nerves after spending around $280 on the unit and having it sat doing nothing i was about to set fire to it and was totally fed up. so for anyone that is in the same boat i thought i'd post this up. anyway without going right into it for those that are keen to know heres the results just in...

    a3 8l me3.8 ecu - no hope
    a4 b? me5.9 ecu - bob hope
    s3 8l me7 ecu - bobs gone home
    s3 8p med9 ecu - bobs your uncle and fanny's your aunt, it works!

    might actually keep it now as it could be handy the mrs' s3. slightly more happy about it now so once again, thanks for calling in lads!
    Last edited by guile; 11-12-2012 at 09:05 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2011
    Users Country Flag
    Saw these the other day and had some big concerns about compatibility.

    Tough luck for not getting it to work. It looks to be a good piece of gear.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    Have you considered spending comparable money on a cheap Android device and trying Torque Pro ($4) out with a cheap ($15) Bluetooth OBD2 adapter? I can't say for sure if it would work with your car but iirc the compatibility list is very long.

    PolarFIS Advanced might also be an option in future (Audi support is still in the works, they've just added VW MFD3 (white and colour screens) support)

  4. #4

    I could have told you this in one post LOL
    On your S3 with the MED9 you can actually log quite a bit once you decipher the names that they have assigned to all the parameters.
    For some cars I use the LC1, the LMA-3 and the OT2 and you can log it all on the iPhone and set the gauges up as you desire
    Last edited by parso_rex; 12-12-2012 at 01:01 PM.


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