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Thread: This is how we roll , in the U , S of A ... A tuner story of a different kind ...

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    VW Race HQ - Sydney
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    Thumbs up This is how we roll , in the U , S of A ... A tuner story of a different kind ...

    Although many of you dont follow what goes on in the USA with drag racing as such something quite funny happened over the weekend at Waterfest which I think demonstrates how different the VW tuners and supporters are in the USA compared to here . Ive never seen anything like this here , apart from the obvious facebook trolling and people mouthing off without clearly backing themselves up where it truly counts !

    Anyway it all started with this post :

    Quote Originally Posted by Jeff@USP.MotorSports View Post
    I'm not sure what dubsquared made, or tumtum.. but Chris Green and Brian K have more records and experience with the VR6 12v engine then probably everyone on this forum combined. Back in the day, when Chris' Jetta never blew head gaskets and ran 9 second passes.. it was making 700whp. The difference between then and now is, back then the cars were making 700hp at 7kRPM w/ a 500RPM powerband.. now their making 700hp at 5kRPM. This is creating so much more heat and stress on the engine which it apparently can't hold. These new Precision billet wheel dual ball bearing turbos are making more power so much earlier. Believe me when I say that every possible setup has been tried to make it hold in our 12v S4.. including the NHRA pro drag 5000hp setup receiver groove, o-ring, and copper head gasket.. from 2 DIFFERENT PRO ENGINE BUILDERS (just incase one got it wrong). Oh and they even drilled out the block and head for 1/2" ARP studs.. yeah they were that dedicated. Low compression, high compression, mid-compression.. bottom line.. the 12v can't make the sustained high power. If you want to put the 10 year old 72mm journal bearing turbos back on there and make the power, that's fine.. but we prefer powerband and 1/4 results.

    Also.. maybe some of these guys are making high numbers on the dyno, but I can guarantee they are not bringing it down the track.. our cars do just fine on the dyno, but when they are put in the real world.. it won't hold. Chris and Brian have given up on the 12v engine and are now going to pursue the more conventional style hemispherical head 24v engine.

    Just so you know, our cars down here in Florida aren't the only ones having these problems.. the red Jetta in Jersey that went 9's.. same issue when he went to the 67bb turbo. Hence the reason why 034 got rid of their 12v as well. On the forum it may seem fine.. but when these 12v's are outfitted with new technology, they just aren't up to the task. Don't get me wrong, they are great for basic street setups and mild builds.. but not for cutting what we are putting them up to.

    Remember.. there is a difference about talking about something and/or theory.. and doing it. Chris and Brian, have done everything possible with the 12v.

    which was met with this reply :

    Quote Originally Posted by XXX008XXX View Post
    well, last time i checked, the dubsquared mk3 has a presicion (new technology) 67/68 on it, and runs THE MILE with it. no headgasket problems and more abuse... just because chris and brian say it cant be done doesnt mean its written in stone. i talked to brian about this last week, and i see where he is coming from, but at 600 wheel, it shouldnt be happening and you know this.
    followed by this :

    Quote Originally Posted by Chris@USP.MotorSports View Post
    Dude You got it all wrong not only do we write the stone but we built the damn stone on the 12v like i said we have laid the 12v to rest If people want to try and come up with their plans and jock off other people thats cool let me know when anyone steps up to the plate and runs what my s4 did at 3300 lbs. When that happens i will bend over and take it.

    Time passed on and there was one VR6T moving up the ranks to be one of the fastest in its categories , regularily beating Honda's in its class .

    The challenge was set at Waterfest USP S4 vs MK3 GTI VR6T . Bets were made and money changed hands . In the meantime there was heated debates on facebook which quickly escalated to a whole new level !

    The final outcome :

    The video :

    And to top it off a plane landed on the dragstrip
    Bug_racer supports the rebellion of the euro revolution

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2011

    This is how we roll , in the U , S of A ... A tuner story of a different kind .

    Good old **** talking getting settled.

    "I only post on Facebook if I know i am going to get likes" - M

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    Gold Coast, QLD
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    haha gold, the tension before/after the drag would have been intense.

  4. #4

    Both F'ing quick cars though, what were the mph's ?


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