This is the end result
Then work out how long the cable needs to be. Remember battery cable can be hard to work with & isn't as flexible as little wire so the route has to be as straight as possible with smooth curves where possible!
Once you've worked out the route, then grab your battery terminals. I like to use these ones, as they not only look good & have a nice finish, they also come in positive + & negative terminal's, as normally the battery terminal's on the battery are different sizes too.
Then cutoff the excess battery cable coating as per with the other end, so that the cooper will bottom out in the terminal without having any bare copper wire showing. Then its just a matter of clamping down on the terminal
Once this is all done, you can grab your heat shrink, cut to length & apply it to the cable using your heatgun
Job Finished!!!!!!!!
Here is full set of battery leads for a mk2 golf. 1 x Positive battery lead, 1 x Negative Battery lead/body earth & 1x Gearbox/body earth
Compare the old, fragile, corroded small battery lead's & lead ends to the new upgraded leads
Finished product installed in vehicle
Hope this help's some of you out in the future