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Thread: Gti 1.8T Performance Modifications

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2009

    Gti 1.8T Performance Modifications

    Hey guys

    Interested in updrading a 1.8T mk4 gti engine.
    following mods:
    * cold air intake- HPS or similiar
    * turbo back exhaust- 3 inch to 2.5 inch (after cat)
    * K04 upgrade
    * ARP ecu.
    * up size in Intercooler
    also other mod like diverter valve, 4 bar regulator.

    First what power would this make, on say 98 oct with decent psi- nothing huge.
    intercooler size????.. i don't what one of those over sized "show-of" front mounts, just one which wouldn't inhibit performance for the above modifications.

    Also what other modifications would you recommend, first thing that springs to mind is the clutch.. what would you recommend?


  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Melbourne, Mexico
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    The best you can hope for is an engine that is on a par with a chipped 8L S3. For that you would need, injectors and a fuel pump on your list too.

    Make sure you can get the software you need, before spending any money on hardware.


  3. #3
    Join Date
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    cheers h100w

    What Specific fuel pump would i need.
    Do gti run two fuel pumps-eg one in take and one engine?
    also in term of injectors what type is required?


    how about these injectors
    Last edited by Lawry; 08-06-2011 at 07:45 PM.

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    The fuel pump from the S3 is the one to get. If you get the full thing it's straight swap into the fuel tank.

    S3 injectors are the ones you want. I had to modify the fuel rail mounts slightly as the S3 injectors are shorter than the standard ones.


  5. #5
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    Thats saves some stuffing around. In regards to purchaseing such products... whats the best way to do this?
    i would be happy with-Good condition second hand

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    I'd not be keen doing a tune on a secondhand fuel pump or injectors. Too expensive if anything plays up. A weak pump has been the cause of many wasted hours tuning for weak top end AFRs.

    The hassle of fitting an engine or something over the relatively low cost of a fuel pump and a set of injectors.

    While I am on the soap box, please steer clear of the cheapo K04s. Some people have done OK but plenty of others haven't. Especially if you want to go for all the power.


  7. #7
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    I understand. I would much prefer going for new than seond hand.
    There are alot of cheap (500) k04s over seas, but to be honest, either china or usa i still can place complete trust in any of them. That why ive came here. Im not lookinf for sawy power. But im lookng for certainly an increase. Cause i dont want to be stuck with gearbox issue etc etc. Ideally i waould prefer the 190-kw at engine MAX, which ever that converts to at the wheels... 140??

    These upgrades wont be for some time, because i would rather gather the finances and do this at once.
    what prices if you dont mind... did you pay for the s3 injectors and pump?

    cheers Matt

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    You can do 140 atw without a K04, a recent K03's does well but can't hold boost at the top end. I would suggest you think about a genuine K04 or hybrid turbo design, the copies don't seem to last (not to say they are all bad).

    Do you have a budget?

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    A standard k04 will not hold much boost at the top end either. You'd want at least a hybrid like the frankenturbo or a garrett. The k04 is great for mid range power on the 1.8t but for top end don't count on it.

    With stock agu injectors at 4.5bar and oettinger tuning I was running 20psi and they were at max duty cycle. Definitely get a good tune and good injectors.

    With the right gear you can get around 150kw.

    Still a fun setup though. Good luck!

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    cheers! really helpful guys.
    i guess it comes down to finances, im only a uni student.
    in terms of prices with "hybrid turbos" what am i looking at?
    ive been referred to the garret gt28 but that as far as i it goes.
    Unfortunately the gt28 has a hefty price tag.... thats new.
    anyone know of any 2nd hand turbos on the market?

    well originally if i purchased components overseas. i could grab the whole kit and kaboodle, for approx the 4500 grand mark.
    thats the k04, turbo back, cold air, clutch, apr tune software. diverted, inter cooler, 4.0 bar reg. thats minus the s3 pump and injectors. but im getting mixed reviews with the importance of these s3 components- HOW MUCH??? 500+??

    ok.... so heres the punchline, can i reach the 140kw/wheels with this budget plus no other gearbox modifications besides clutch + the replacement of a hybrid turbo, other components even if it means refurnished 2nd parts.

    im not after huge power, just power that will get me moving! also i dont want a highly stress setup.

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