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Thread: Is an EGR Remap Available from Oz Tuners

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    Camp Hill, Qld

    Is an EGR Remap Available from Oz Tuners

    I am just wondering if anyone could refer me to a reputable ECU tuning companies in Oz will provide a mod for my ECU to make the EGR less active.

    But first some background info (as to my motives for this request) before anyone has a go about my apparent lack of regard for our environment.

    Firstly, I have owned a 2006 Jetta 2.0 PD TDI for over 10 years now. So the amount of fuel I have saved (not burnt up as lead, CO2 and CO) has put me way in front of the normal Aussie car owner in the environmental friendly stakes. All my other cars since the Jetta have also been TDI's so this above average green attitude is inadvertently being shared by SWMBO.

    Secondly. I have seen first hand the amount of junk the EGR pumps back into the Jetta's manifold. I was blissfully unaware of the harm this device was doing to my engine until April 2012, when the EGR failed on my Jetta (and while replacing the EGR with a shiny new one I had a peak inside the intake manifold). So, in order to extend the life my pride and joy I promptly removed the vacuum hose from the diaphragm actuator of the brand new EGR and plugged the hose. This seemed have no effect at all to my fuel economy or has there been any performance issues. The only outcome being an amber warning light on the dash. I also noticed less soot when giving her the beans (EGR hose plugged in = more soot , unplugged = less soot). Less soot is good in my books.

    Then about a month ago my ASV failed (aka V157, the intake manifold flap motor). So when I replaced this with a shiny new one, I again had the opportunity to inspect the internals of the EGR (and to the peak into the inlet manifold).

    Much cleaner this time.

    However. I would have known that my ASV had failed sooner if my amber light was not being ignored by myself (as has been the case for 4 years now). I would have checked this CEL out immediately, and not after I noticed (by accident) that both my cooling fans stopped working (the ASV shares the same fuse [SB24] with the cooling fans). I nearly fried my engine while in peak traffic!!

    So now I want the amber light to remain off and only come on when something important (other than the EGR) comes up.

    So, must I seek out the services of Malone tuning in north america or is there a nice chap in Brisbane that someone on this forum can kindly refer me to?

    And this chap must be able to stay away from the other regions of my ECU - as I do not want my Oettinger tune (as supplied by the nice chaps at Harding Performance way back in 2010) to be blown away in the process.

    Hi Guy & Alex, PM me if you can help with this.
    Last edited by Silva-Jetta; 25-04-2016 at 10:50 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Melbourne, Mexico
    Users Country Flag
    You need to have a full flash, it's not possible to change the EGR data alone.

    I doubt that you can read it, most tuners prevent reading of their software as ip.

    If you are prepared to drop your current tune, I can fix you up with Custom-Code


    Quote Originally Posted by Silva-Jetta View Post
    I am just wondering if anyone could refer me to a reputable ECU tuning companies in Oz will provide a mod for my ECU to make the EGR less active.

    But first some background info (as to my motives for this request) before anyone has a go about my apparent lack of regard for our environment.

    Firstly, I have owned a 2006 Jetta 2.0 PD TDI for over 10 years now. So the amount of fuel I have saved (not burnt up as lead, CO2 and CO) has put me way in front of the normal Aussie car owner in the environmental friendly stakes. All my other cars since the Jetta have also been TDI's so this above average green attitude is inadvertently being shared by SWMBO.

    Secondly. I have seen first hand the amount of junk the EGR pumps back into the Jetta's manifold. I was blissfully unaware of the harm this device was doing to my engine until April 2012, when the EGR failed on my Jetta (and while replacing the EGR with a shiny new one I had a peak inside the intake manifold). So, in order to extend the life my pride and joy I promptly removed the vacuum hose from the diaphragm actuator of the brand new EGR and plugged the hose. This seemed have no effect at all to my fuel economy or has there been any performance issues. The only outcome being an amber warning light on the dash. I also noticed less soot when giving her the beans (EGR hose plugged in = more soot , unplugged = less soot). Less soot is good in my books.

    Then about a month ago my ASV failed (aka V157, the intake manifold flap motor). So when I replaced this with a shiny new one, I again had the opportunity to inspect the internals of the EGR (and to the peak into the inlet manifold).

    Much cleaner this time.

    However. I would have known that my ASV had failed sooner if my amber light was not being ignored by myself (as has been the case for 8 years now). I would have checked this CEL out immediately, and not after I noticed (by accident) that both my cooling fans stopped working (the ASV shares the same fuse [SB24] with the cooling fans). I nearly fried my engine while in peak traffic!!

    So now I want the amber light to remain off and only come on when something important (other than the EGR) comes up.

    So, must I seek out the services of Malone tuning in north america or is there a nice chap in Brisbane that someone on this forum can kindly refer me to?

    And this chap must be able to stay away from the other regions of my ECU - as I do not want my Oettinger tune (as supplied by the nice chaps at Harding Performance way back in 2010) to be blown away in the process.

    Hi Guy & Alex, PM me if you can help with this.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    Camp Hill, Qld
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    Thanks Gavin.

    Quote Originally Posted by h100vw View Post
    I doubt that you can read it, most tuners prevent reading of their software as ip.
    So even the guys who sold me the tune cannot read it. Can they do a back up? I presume not.

    Quote Originally Posted by h100vw View Post
    If you are prepared to drop your current tune, I can fix you up with Custom-Code
    I would hate to blow away something that expensive. However I am open to all suggestions

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Melbourne, Mexico
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    Quote Originally Posted by Silva-Jetta View Post
    Thanks Gavin.

    So even the guys who sold me the tune cannot read it. Can they do a back up? I presume not.

    I would hate to blow away something that expensive. However I am open to all suggestions
    No need to read it if it's being changed by the original provider. They must have the first file on record. You just flash the new modified file over the top.

    Other tuners will likely need a base to work from.

    Only you can decide if the cost/benefit work.


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