Interesting thread but flawed technically on a few levels, a simple one being that it would be impossible to measure the actual engine power accurately without removing it from the car and even then you could only do this to a very coarse level of accuracy . I would also bet a large sum that many 'claimed' tuned figures are nowhere near the measurable figures either.
The emissions tests are actually quite complex, if they feel like it, with runs carried out with timed varying loads and RPM values but not all out (can't remember the exact figures rpm wise). Even some standard cars fail too which is mildly amusing.
Most (I would hope all) tune provides would leave the closed loop area of the tune pretty much untouched so none of this would change and given that the later cars operate in closed loop for a lot longer than the old vehicles a 'simple' test might show no change at all emissions wise.
We could go on about this for ages but in any case the concerned owner would still have to prove that the car after modification still in fact did meet the emissions standard in your state and that would mean testing it and then certifying that this was indeed the case - you would have to do this in every tune configuration available too.
We can tune cars to whatever power figure you desire including the humble polo but my recommendation would be Superchips because like all the others on here I am biased
plus they can also modify your 'OBDII' flashed file to do whatever you wish - a lower power figure for example.