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Thread: Digi2 o2 sensor woes

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Newcastle, NSW
    Users Country Flag

    Digi2 o2 sensor woes

    So I am not the best yet with reading wiring diagrams, but the situation I have is...

    The MK1 has a MK2 digifant 2 loom in it with all of the connections to the devices being spliced on at the time the engine went in.

    I was going to install a wideband o2 gauge yesterday and simply could not get the right feeds (earth, 12v+, signal) from the wiring harness that led to the existing o2 sensor. More and more invetigation leads to me being a bit bewildered, so I decided best to trace back to the splice and start again.

    What I found were these...

    Brown/Black wire, Red/White wire and what looks to be a black thicker cable.

    So headed to the trusty Bentley and found the diagram.

    It says I should have a Brown/Black wire, Red/White wire and a Green signal wire.

    In this diagram it states there is a wire that intersects from the block to the Green signal wire, but I am really confused about this. From the diagram, is it simply spliced to it? Is there something going on that I am missing?

    Any advice appreciated.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Newcastle, NSW
    Users Country Flag Thread Starter

    Ok, so the deal is the signal wire is shielded and the earth is connected to the sheath. Learn something every day right!


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