get someone with a vagcom to log the boost.
Can you wheelspin right through second gear if you try?
Apart from the seat-o-the-pantsometer, how can I find out if my car I bought 2nd hand has been chipped? I have driven a few GTI's but not sure how big a diff the common flashes make.
If I contact the local distributor for each chip/re-map and tell them my VIN will they be able to search a database to see if my car has been done?
I am looking at reflash for a mk 5 GTI with the usual suspects of GIAC, APR. Is it really obvious diff to standard?
get someone with a vagcom to log the boost.
Can you wheelspin right through second gear if you try?
Boost would be the biggest tell tale as Tim has said.
You may be able to spot an APR reflash by seeing if you can switch it on/off via Crz Control. Procedure detailed at APR website. Essentially with IGN On, ENG OFF & CRZ CNTRL ON hold the SET button down and see if anything happens with Check Engine Llight on your dash after 5 secs..
Golf Mk6 118 TSI DSG |APR Stage I ECU Upgrade | HEX-USB+CAN
You may only find this if the vehicle isnt fitted with the security lock out pin code.
Par 6 Golf GTI. Coilovers, BBS CH Wheels, APR'd
Caddy van 05/07 (colourcoded) (BRIGHT! orange!) coilovers, Konis 18in. wheels, Oettinger tuned