The following is a good primer for those uneducated in this subject. I've decided NOT to re-invent the wheel and will now use existing material I found on the net. In the long run, it will make things clearer for you, the reader, and will allow me to focus more on the VW application aspect.
I've included a .gif of the 4 stroke process to help visualize the details written below.
I just got a Golf/Jetta 2.slow and want to make it faster. What camshaft should I get?
How often we have seen this question posted here? I think it could quite possibly be one of the top three most frequently asked questions in the 2.0 8v engine forum. After all, the only way to get an N/A 2.0 to perform anywhere near its four cylinder peers is to drop an aftermarket cam in it. But why does installing an aftermarket camshaft have such a great effect on this engine .or any engine for that matter? First we need to dive into how a camshaft works and what its functions are within an engine.
Before we begin:
Below are a few pieces of referece material to help visualize things that are discussed later on......
Here we have a photo description of EVERY part of a camshaft/lobe:
to help visualize the 4 stroke combustion process, refer to this:
The Basics:
Lets start with the functions of a camshaft. As we all know, the engine in your car is basically one big air pump. It pulls in outside air mixed with a fuel, compresses it, converts the energy from the compressed/combusted gas mixture into mechanical motion, then expels the waste gas only to repeat the process over again. And depending what rpm your engine is at, this four stroke process takes place in a fraction of a second. Ok, so that was an extremely rudimentary explanation, but you will agree that it is an air pump, right? Ok. Now, in order to get all that inbound air/fuel in and spent gasses out, there needs to be something that times all of these events. You guessed it, that something is a camshaft. What the camshaft regulates are three major events: WHEN the valves open (valve timing), HOW MUCH the valves open (lift), and HOW LONG the valves are open for (duration). Out of those three, the two that are most critical are the when and the how long . Changing these two events could take your car from a docile, smooth idling pussycat to something that sounds like a 1940 John Deere farm tractor.
Moving forward, I will break everything up into two parts. Part 1 will consist of the physics behind camshaft functions. In part 2, I will do my best to guide you into taking whats written in Part 1 and apply in terms for our specific engines and to help you make an educated descision on your next camshaft purchase.
The epiphony.
Considerable information has been recorded about numerous aspects of the four stroke internal combustion engine. Nevertheless, only a small percentage of people really understand how it works and even fewer still know how to modify an engine to suit their needs. I will try to simplify this complex subject by discussing some basic principles that may be overlooked or misunderstood by the average person. First, it is very important to understand the relationship between piston travel directions and valve timing events. The reason this relationship is important is because it is one of the few things that is relatively easy to adjust/change. The camshaft which opens and closes the valves makes ONE complete revolution (360 degrees) while the crankshaft moving the piston up and down the cylinder rotates TWICE (720 degrees). Camshaft timing is usually expressed in terms of crankshaft degrees relative to the piston location in the cylinder. That is, relative to Top Dead Center (TDC) and Bottom Dead Center (BDC), respectively. Note that during the four strokes of a piston in an internal combustion engine the crankshaft will rotate 720 degrees and the piston will be at each TDC and BDC twice.
Starting at TDC, the piston starts from zero velocity and moves down the cylinder during the intake stroke; first picking up speed and then slowing down again when it reaches the bottom of the stroke. As the piston moves down the cylinder, the intake valve is opening. Some air/gas mixture starts to flow into the cylinder as the valve opens, but the greatest gulp comes when the pressure differential is the greatest. This occurs when the piston reaches its maximum velocity somewhere between 70 to 80 degrees ATDC. What governs piston velocity is the stroke, rod length, RPM, and piston pin off-set. The maximum piston speed of the engine is then limited by the resistance to gas flow of the engine and/or the stresses due to the inertia of the moving parts. You must be wondering why I'm talking about piston velocity during the first stroke.
FACT ONE: Volumetric efficiency is directly related to piston velocity!
Volumetric efficiency is a measure of the effectiveness of an engine's intake system and there are about 200 miles of air above the engine just waiting to fill the cylinder with 14.7 psi at sea level. The intake valve is almost closed as the piston reaches BDC, but it does not close completely until after BDC, when the piston is on its way back up the cylinder. The reason for this is because the incoming air/fuel mixture still has momentum even though the piston has slowed way down. We are now starting,
The piston compresses the air/fuel mixture to a high enough pressure and temperature to permit spark plug ignition. We hope that this results in a CONTROLLED BURN, rather than an explosion (detonation), that produces POWER and moves the piston down for,
Power is produced while the gases in the cylinder expand and cool. In most instances, the gases are at a relatively low pressure by the time the crankshaft reaches 90 degrees After Top Dead Center (ATDC), so we can safely open the exhaust valve Before Bottom Dead Center (BBDC) to take advantage of blow-down. Otherwise, the piston would have to push ALL the exhaust out. When the piston reaches BDC we begin,
The exhaust valve is opening at a fairly rapid rate, the piston is going up, and if the exhaust valve is not open a lot by the time the piston reaches maximum velocity, there will be resistance in the cylinder caused by excessive exhaust gas pressure. This produces conditions which are referred to as pumping losses. As the piston reaches the top of the cylinder, the end of the fourth stroke, you will see the exhaust valve is almost closed, but, lo and behold, the intake valve is just beginning to rise off the seat! At TDC at the end of the fourth stroke, both the intake and exhaust valves are open just a little. For this reason, this part of the stroke is called the OVERLAP PERIOD.
During the overlap period you will often find that both valves will be open an equal amount. This condition is referred to as SPLIT OVERLAP. On standard engines, the valves are only open together for 15 - 30 degrees of crankshaft rotation. In a race engine operating at 5 - 7000 RPM, you will find the overlap period to be in the neighborhood of 60 - 100 degrees (which also translates to more total duration)! As you might expect, with this much overlap the low speed running is very poor and a lot of the intake charge goes right out the exhaust pipe.