Well I thought I would try the cheap route and get some camira calipers.
Cost me 20 bucks from a wrecker. I think they are JD calipers, from about a 85 - 87 camira. The pads are double the size of the mk1 pads
The caliper fits on, but hits the splash guard (bend/cut it so it fits). The mounting holes for the caliper are bigger (possibly 12mm) so you can either drill out the hub hole to fit bigger bolts or get a spacer made up to fit in the larger caliper holes.
The problem I have is the disc is way to narrow. I doubt the pads would even touch the disc under full brakingThe pads may be a little worn. but they are a fair bit off... i doubt new ones would touch the disc.
So, im guessing that mk1 gti discs are vented? which would make them thicker, hence the pads would touch.
So do camira calipers only fit mk1 GTI discs or is there a way of making them fit a stnd mk1?