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Thread: BOV - Mk6 Golf GTI

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    BOV - Mk6 Golf GTI

    Hi guys I've got a 2012 Mk6 GTi, I'm looking to buy a BOV for my car. I've currently got a Stage 2 REVO tune, and was wondering if a BOV like the Turbosmart Dual Port BOV would be suitable for the car. The link below is the example. Also the difference between this one and the plumback BOV that Turbosmart also has. Which would be more effective or more suitable with a tune.


    Turbosmart BOV Kompact VAG 2.0T V2 Dual Port | Sparesbox

  2. #2
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    Yes that model (both the plumb back and the dual port) are made specifically for the MK6 GTI and R. I had the plumb back on my MK6 GTI and it was great. I had a stage 2 tune, intake, and full exhaust on my car so i already had additional noise from those mods so thats' why i went for the quieter plumb back model - on previous cars i got sick of the constant pssht noise from the dual port.

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lucas_R View Post
    Yes that model (both the plumb back and the dual port) are made specifically for the MK6 GTI and R. I had the plumb back on my MK6 GTI and it was great. I had a stage 2 tune, intake, and full exhaust on my car so i already had additional noise from those mods so thats' why i went for the quieter plumb back model - on previous cars i got sick of the constant pssht noise from the dual port.
    Would the plumb back cause damage to the turbo over time since its diverting the pressure back to the system instead of the atmosphere?

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by vbuu View Post
    Would the plumb back cause damage to the turbo over time since its diverting the pressure back to the system instead of the atmosphere?
    Nope - all modern cars that use a MAF sensor need at least some of the air to plumb back otherwise they run like crap. The car will not be happy (misfire/stutter etc) if you did not have at least some of the air plumbing back. Your stock VW BOV plumbs 100% back right now.

  5. #5
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    I run the dual port and absolutely love the sound it makes. I have felt no performance difference to be honest, just added wank factor of 'hey look at me' haha.
    - Orange Golf mk1 LS, 1.8 5speed, 32/36 - sold
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  6. #6
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    +1 on the plumb back. You hear it when you put your foot down (particularly in 3rd gear) but quiet otherwise.

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    +1 on the plumb back.

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