I always wanted to do it - out of interest what's shannons charging - think I'm paying around $820 through them for a stock MkV GtI.
I think I am paying around $675 with Shannons for my Mk5 GTI with mods!
renewal is next month so I guess I will soon verify that,
Par 6 Golf GTI. Coilovers, BBS CH Wheels, APR'd
Caddy van 05/07 (colourcoded) (BRIGHT! orange!) coilovers, Konis 18in. wheels, Oettinger tuned
damn you older people who can actually get shannons insurance.
No, I'm to young, so I can't mod my car and have it insured, basically.
Not going to stop me though.
(sorry for OT)
My MK4 GTI is about $800 with Shannons with all my mods upfront and listed on the policy. Very happy and peace of mind.
Yeah, and you get a free windscreen once a year(nearly $800 for my R32)with Shannons, no questions asked!
Widebody Cayman S Turbo, 83 ur Quattro
2000 996 C4 cab,12 Scirocco R OEM+ STG2+
72 914 (3.2S boxster pwr), 92 G60 Corrado
76 Scirocco(TFSI and DSG) 2018 Tiguan,Eureka,81 924.
I am with Shannons, just over a grand for 3 cars, Audi, Ibiza and Toledo.
Here is my APR stage 1 video clip
Dave, I understand the free APR trial lets you use the remap for x no of driving hours, before it reverts back from "chipped" to stock. This sounds excellent and the only decision for me is WHEN not IF.
Do you happen to know if these timed hours increment only when in the "chipped" program, or does it tick over in both stock & chipped programs? Hopefully it is the former cos it would be a shame to waste the trial with the missus dropping the kids off at school in stock mode. hopefully I can get my ECU "Trial remapped", but with the car returned in the stock prog - then at an appropriate time, when I can focus on the differences switch programs to "chipped" and properly study and appreciate the improvements. Then I could fully enjoy and test the 6 hour trial (or whatever it is). Thnx, Logger.
Golf Mk6 118 TSI DSG |APR Stage I ECU Upgrade | HEX-USB+CAN