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Thread: Alientech tune controller questions and ECU's - calling Tim/Parso/Gavin etc

  1. #21

    Hi Lucas_R

    In a later email it was clarified this would be "$199-$299" and I'd firm up the price if you wanted to go to the Dealer. Which was declined, and shortly after confirmed at $199 and with free dyno run and tweaks)

    But I know your mate was keen on the hand held so I guess it's irrelevant now in any event.

    If I can assist further though please do let me know


    Last edited by ViezuAustralia; 15-05-2013 at 10:28 AM. VAR Design. Exclusive Viezu distributors and developers for Oceania.
    Some of the best locally developed VAG tuning options on the market now released for ECU and DSG along with some of the best quality and value exhaust ranges /CAI's in Oceania. Put us to the test - 100% satisfaction money back guarantees.

  2. #22
    Quote Originally Posted by kaanage View Post
    Surely Simon would pay something for the controller. Your friend may not be happy with the way things turned out but he could at least get something for it.
    Ordinarily yes we often offer a buy back scheme on these for $250. But it'll cost more than that to get it shipped and unlocked and back again, so that was really the issue. I'd then have it as a loss leader which is why I'd suggested it's far easier to go to our main Dealer in Newcastle. We offer back to stock for free etc etc and free new tunes in the event of loss of tune at service centre flash update, free stage upgrades etc so really that's why we don't push these controllers any more here - only as an absolute last resort will we offer them.

    Dealer support is much better - and remote controllers are fine, but as we can see but nothing beats a proper Dealer flash with all the back up and support that comes with it. VAR Design. Exclusive Viezu distributors and developers for Oceania.
    Some of the best locally developed VAG tuning options on the market now released for ECU and DSG along with some of the best quality and value exhaust ranges /CAI's in Oceania. Put us to the test - 100% satisfaction money back guarantees.

  3. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by parso_rex View Post
    I think you would have been best just to drive to the dealer and just have It reloaded. I did this with one car recently and then re-imaged the stuffed ECU so he has it as a working spare
    This is going to occur on other cars too especially ones with the med9
    Do you still have the other ECU?
    Yes he still has the original ECU.

    It was my friends decision to decline the offers from Viezu. The dealer situation is still a pain as its 30 mins away and they are only open Mon-Fri 9/5 which means you need to take 1/2 a day off work each time you go there. Plus have to book in days/weeks? in advance.

    Another friend from Newcastle recently got a Viezu tune from this dealer and he has been back there 3 times since...annoying. Once to get reflashed because VW overwrote it, and two more times to try and rectify a massive boost spike which is still currenty unrectified - so he will have to go back again at least one more time. You should see the dyno sheet . He lives closer and works in the evenings so its not so much of an inconvenience to go to the dealer. With an hand controller you can avoid all of this.
    Last edited by Lucas_R; 15-05-2013 at 10:41 AM.
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  4. #24
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    To Simon and all the Viezu dealers (Greg/Miro etc) this was not at all intended to be a "bash" against Viezu. To be honest i really should have left the tuners name out of the equation all together - but its too late now. Apologies.

    Whats happened doesn't matter anymore - ultimately it was my friends decision to move to a different tuner.

    All im trying to achieve in this thread is to see whether this v-switch can be reset. If not, then thats fine. If yes, then good.
    2017 Ford Fiesta ST the go kart

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  5. #25
    Quote Originally Posted by Lucas_R View Post
    massive boost spike which is still currenty unrectified - so he will have to go back again at least one more time. You should see the dyno sheet .
    To my knowledge he's only been there for the tune 'read' and 'write' and not 3 times.

    The dyno sheet was at an alternative dyno centre we have no idea of their work nor set up so I've asked for the car to go and get it on our trusted Dealer's dyno who actually did the tune for proper logging to check whether it's spiking, and if it is, then we'll tweak it accordingly.

    I'm told by the Dealer that client did not want the driveshaft off (2wd dyno), which is why it was then logged in full on a road test and no spike - holding a flat 22-23psi everywhere. The limit on the vRace file is 24-25psi which it'll hit and then immediately settle and bleed off to 18/19psi at red line. This one, we have no idea from the dyno run as it was a power run only so not really ideal.

    However because this other dyno centre is showing a clear spike when I saw the dyno sheet I said he would have to get it in to have it properly looked at by our dealer - not some random.

    If that would have happened in the first place again, this would have been avoided, but client wasn't necessarily to know that.

    Really the curves should look like this on his R

    Whereas his hits at 3k as here, but then immediately drops on the torque curve significantly before raising back as normal. We suspect the dyno, but need it on our Dealer's dyno for investigation before it can be checked properly and then dealt with/tweaked accordingly as required.
    Last edited by ViezuAustralia; 15-05-2013 at 11:01 AM. VAR Design. Exclusive Viezu distributors and developers for Oceania.
    Some of the best locally developed VAG tuning options on the market now released for ECU and DSG along with some of the best quality and value exhaust ranges /CAI's in Oceania. Put us to the test - 100% satisfaction money back guarantees.

  6. #26
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    Alientech tune controller questions and ECU's - calling Tim/Parso/Gavin etc

    The dyno is fine - the operator is good and he has dynod my car several times as well as a few other R's too. On that car there is something definitely up at around 3,200rpm by way of a massive torque spike then dip (up to 340nm then down to 295nm then builds back up again). This spike is also reflected in the bump/dip in the power curve as well as the A/F ratio too. I've planned to meet up with this guy again this weekend to drive the car and do some logs on it with VCDS. See if the logs back up the dyno.

    Anyway - off topic.
    Last edited by Lucas_R; 15-05-2013 at 11:43 AM.
    2017 Ford Fiesta ST the go kart

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  7. #27
    Then all we'll need is it properly logging on the dyno and we can then tweak accordingly. But to do that we still require it preferably on our Dealer's dyno VAR Design. Exclusive Viezu distributors and developers for Oceania.
    Some of the best locally developed VAG tuning options on the market now released for ECU and DSG along with some of the best quality and value exhaust ranges /CAI's in Oceania. Put us to the test - 100% satisfaction money back guarantees.

  8. #28
    Quote Originally Posted by Lucas_R View Post
    I've planed to meet up with this guy again this weekend to drive the car and do some logs on it with VCDS.
    Great bounce them through when you have them please and we'll take a look. We'll need logs one way or another to check it and tweak accordingly as required. VAR Design. Exclusive Viezu distributors and developers for Oceania.
    Some of the best locally developed VAG tuning options on the market now released for ECU and DSG along with some of the best quality and value exhaust ranges /CAI's in Oceania. Put us to the test - 100% satisfaction money back guarantees.

  9. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by ViezuAustralia View Post
    Really the curves should look like this on his R
    Simon - is this just a vRace (stage 1), or with mods too?
    Golf R | UG | DSG | 19" Silver | ACC | Leather | Viezu vRace | FIS+ Advanced | View car diary thread

  10. #30

    Hi Boltor

    Not wishing to go off topic on this thread - let's PM or email on it. But in short - yes - This is just our vRace level with full indirect DSG, and a CAI. Nothing else. But let's email on it,


    Simon VAR Design. Exclusive Viezu distributors and developers for Oceania.
    Some of the best locally developed VAG tuning options on the market now released for ECU and DSG along with some of the best quality and value exhaust ranges /CAI's in Oceania. Put us to the test - 100% satisfaction money back guarantees.

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