Originally Posted by
Stage2 credit for the Powerlink dongle is a 50USD upgrade, sorted.
I've got 100% faith in the IE tune. I did my research, and I continually found that customers who had tried both APR and then IE preferred the IE tune. Yes, its not the same as a VW GTi tune, from what I understand the IE coders cracked the tiguan interface long ago enabling a full reflash capability. IMO these guys know their stuff.....
I've had a built RB26DETT with PowerFC and an highly modified Stagea RB25DET with Apexi Safc+Sitc combo, added a MAP-FIC, and evolved that '25 from 120awkw to 275awkw (low boost, GT3076) over time, fiddling & learning. Just saying that its not my first rodeo.
The IE tune is smooth, with no hint of detonation that I can audibly tell. I will definitely dyno check it as we hit Summer temps, had to cancel previous booking unfortunately. At this stage its not HP numbers Im interested in, moreso AFRs. However, again, I'm very comfortable with my choice of remap at this point in time. Love the fact I can do it myself & not rely on any particular tuner-affiliated garage.