Quote Originally Posted by Gigitt View Post
not all 125TDI's are the same - for starters there is the 125TDI-PD and the 125TDI-CR engines... Which car with the 125TDI are you talking about???
They have Different ECU's and each will tune differently with mods.

I'm not aware of any OBD flash based tuning for the 125TDI-CR - they have to be bench tuned due to the encrypted ECU.
so I don't know what Bluefin offer as as a plug in option - must be a Tuning Box.

I'm running a ChipExpress tuning Box in my 125TDI-CR and It's great.... I even get 4.2 lt/100km economy
Been doing these for ages via the OBDII port if we are lucky even some forum members here. Some do have to be done via boot mode though unfortunately.
Yes Superchips do them too and others