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Thread: 1.8T BJX (polo 9N3 gti) idle

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2013
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    1.8T BJX (polo 9N3 gti) idle


    I suffer from a pretty jumpy idle inc big dips that really get your attention and moments where it starts jumping around. My fuel trims are good, I've logged it for misfires (but admittedly never got to log one of the big hiccups) and didn't see any and I have no air leaks (VAC is 20inHg).

    I've read a bit about Lemmiwinks Ch13 which is two control bits apparently for idle tweaking. Can anyone confirm whether these are the same bits 6 (idle air control valve) and 7 (idle air learning) that you see in vag-com group 000. see below link:

    In lemmiwinks, mine are set to off off. But when I look in group 000 bit 6 is oscillating around a value of 128 and bit 7 is fixed on 129. I tried them at idle in the off on, on off and on on combinations and saw no change in the behaviour of those values.


  2. #2

    Is it only at idle, or sometimes through the rev range?
    Have you looked at your MAP sensor voltage on a rev run and seen if it tracks straight or wonky?
    That is like what mine did when map was dying. You can remove the Map sensor and see if the problem goes away. If so, replace the MAP sensor.

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