Threaded View

tshow Wolfsburg Edition Golf R 21-09-2015,
02:05 PM

The_Hawk I think I could handle... 21-09-2015,
04:55 PM

rscott4563 Thanks for the pics, great to... 22-09-2015,
12:55 PM

MK532 Check it out!
Released... 24-09-2015,
12:53 PM

donweather Oooh I do like the... 24-09-2015,
08:23 PM

c0ldaussie My blue hatch album - MY16 VW... 24-09-2015,
11:12 PM

sparkyboy69 Wolfie looks fantastic in... 25-09-2015,
05:16 PM

sparkyboy69 I've got a new Gti-pp coming... 28-09-2015,
12:12 AM

sparkyboy69 Makes sense with black... 28-09-2015,
03:09 PM

Riker G'day fella's.
What does... 28-09-2015,
04:19 PM

donweather Oohhhh I do like that colour... 28-09-2015,
07:49 PM

WhiteJames I took the opportunity to... 04-10-2015,
07:09 PM

Bigboboz What prices are people... 11-10-2015,
09:34 AM

2muchcoffeeman Wolfie...Is it just me or? 27-11-2015,
05:49 PM

Bersk Wolfsburg Edition Golf R 30-11-2015,
08:30 PM

random101 Why not go Revo instead of... 16-04-2016,
12:20 PM

lynx In need of VW part # 20-08-2016,
09:08 AM

Tobes_WIR35 Haha good call. Personally I... 23-08-2016,
06:01 PM

Dutch77 Hey if VWA had given an... 23-08-2016,
08:30 PM

Tobes_WIR35 Yeah they look good in silver... 23-08-2016,
09:03 PM

daniel123 Hooked up the JB1 today to... 10-09-2016,
06:52 PM

LibraR Thanks Daniel - getting... 11-09-2016,
07:49 AM

AussieGeordie I may put up an EOI for my... 24-05-2017,
09:39 PM

AussieGeordie Ok so yesterday I put a... 30-05-2017,
07:53 AM

Mattlock Wolfsburg Edition Golf R 30-05-2017,
09:54 AM

donweather Why do they only offer manual... 30-05-2017,
01:12 PM

llanfachreth Has anyone here purchased one... 05-06-2017,
04:16 PM

AussieGeordie I've also put a deposit down... 05-06-2017,
11:04 PM

llanfachreth I spoke to a guy in a dealer... 06-06-2017,
10:46 AM

Paul_R I hope it's the wagon... 06-06-2017,
12:07 PM

Passat R36 hopefully this will make the... 06-06-2017,
03:05 PM

WallySimmonds Ahh - that makes sense. ... 29-06-2017,
11:11 AM

Paul_R Found this quote on the... 09-07-2017,
12:50 PM

Passat R36 432mm, no way, 8cm bigger... 10-07-2017,
01:35 PM

BigAnt 2017 Volkswagen Golf R... 10-07-2017,
10:44 PM

Paul_R I've been looking at the... 12-07-2017,
05:24 PM

rambleforce Got a follow up phone call... 16-07-2017,
01:28 PM

rosslm I have the Harding... 17-07-2017,
01:25 PM

Ground_Level I have placed my order for my... 20-07-2017,
09:31 PM

Ground_Level Just spoken with dealer mine... 21-07-2017,
09:48 AM

rambleforce Spoke again to my dealer and... 21-07-2017,
05:22 PM

llanfachreth All good have done cheers 21-07-2017,
09:52 PM

Ground_Level Depends on states rego's and... 24-07-2017,
07:33 AM

Ground_Level Yes that is correct 2018... 24-07-2017,
08:06 AM

Ground_Level Thanks instead of them doing... 24-07-2017,
08:21 AM

Ground_Level I was told we are one of the... 25-07-2017,
12:34 PM

rambleforce Update on my progress with a... 25-07-2017,
05:08 PM

WallySimmonds I'm being told... 25-07-2017,
08:14 PM

weonarok I saw (compared to what I'm... 26-07-2017,
07:41 AM

Ground_Level Yeah its a hatch. 27-07-2017,
07:59 AM

Ground_Level Well I was going to buy a... 27-07-2017,
10:27 PM

iant333 Hatch. 28-07-2017,
01:18 PM

kennyc Is Wolfsburg edition only... 30-07-2017,
11:38 PM

kennyc Yeah, so a rare car then.... 31-07-2017,
06:28 AM

BigAnt Just had a call from the... 31-07-2017,
03:36 PM

rambleforce That's awesome! You are one... 01-08-2017,
06:54 AM

llanfachreth 2017 Volkswagen Golf R adds... 01-08-2017,
10:31 PM

hardy_bm Does anyone have a part... 02-08-2017,
02:55 PM

tlifewp Just been updated by my... 03-08-2017,
12:39 PM

tlifewp Blue hatch, no roof.
Sent... 03-08-2017,
08:23 PM

gregozedobe White wagon, no sunroof. I... 04-08-2017,
01:36 AM

iant333 I'm still not sure what's... 04-08-2017,
07:44 AM

rambleforce I don't think you should be... 04-08-2017,
07:55 AM

onelouder I've been told November... 04-08-2017,
10:06 AM

BigAnt Also got the the progress... 04-08-2017,
11:25 AM

rambleforce Wolfsburg Edition Golf R 04-08-2017,
11:25 AM

onelouder Just got my email too. Just... 04-08-2017,
11:54 AM

rambleforce You guys with built on your... 04-08-2017,
12:43 PM

kennyc By time to build, I mean... 06-08-2017,
09:18 AM

Ground_Level Little update
if you have... 06-08-2017,
03:07 PM

Ground_Level turn around in plants are... 06-08-2017,
03:09 PM

Ground_Level Yup there is nothing much... 06-08-2017,
06:30 PM

rosslm Build completion at the... 06-08-2017,
07:25 PM

Ground_Level So noticed today when i was... 08-08-2017,
09:26 PM

gregozedobe I'm led to believe the wagons... 08-08-2017,
09:45 PM

Ground_Level The carbon mirrors will be... 08-08-2017,
10:07 PM

frostywinter Is there a list of what the... 09-08-2017,
12:45 PM

frostywinter Ok thanks for that, should I... 09-08-2017,
01:49 PM

WallySimmonds Yeah, I spoke with my dealer... 09-08-2017,
04:34 PM

rosslm The Dynaudio alone is a... 09-08-2017,
06:53 PM

frostywinter Hi Guys
Working on a few... 10-08-2017,
02:36 PM

onelouder NSW I paid full price -... 10-08-2017,
02:43 PM

Ground_Level 62.600 white hatch dsg + roof... 10-08-2017,
06:09 PM

Nostalgie No corporate or fleet... 10-08-2017,
06:20 PM

Ground_Level Private for me no leasing or... 10-08-2017,
06:48 PM

Nostalgie Anyone hear info if you were... 12-08-2017,
11:51 AM

rambleforce Wolfsburg Edition Golf R 12-08-2017,
01:04 PM

wookie_666 Confirmed my order for a blue... 12-08-2017,
03:14 PM

Ground_Level There is nothing to report or... 12-08-2017,
03:52 PM

Ground_Level I'm not to sure what you are... 12-08-2017,
07:37 PM

Ground_Level Yes the middle section is... 15-08-2017,
06:02 PM

runningman Hi all,
have been looking... 21-08-2017,
10:14 AM

krazykatz My Wolfsburg wagon is due to... 21-08-2017,
10:31 AM

3timesagolfgti Just ordered a Wolfsburg... 21-08-2017,
07:27 PM

Ground_Level So i just spent a eye... 22-08-2017,
02:35 PM

Ground_Level All aftermarket stuff
Apr... 22-08-2017,
03:09 PM

runningman So finally got word of my... 23-08-2017,
07:26 AM

slin Just seen my allocation... 23-08-2017,
01:50 PM

bonsquibbins Wow Wolfs on display? Where's... 24-08-2017,
01:35 PM

frostywinter What dealer?
Sent from my... 24-08-2017,
02:01 PM

zee19 Also preferred the blue.... 26-08-2017,
02:37 PM

cosanostre I am really disappointed with... 28-08-2017,
07:16 PM

rambleforce Had the chance this arvo to... 29-08-2017,
05:40 PM

rosslm Picked the Wolfsburg up... 30-08-2017,
07:45 PM

zee19 Is it possible to get a... 30-08-2017,
09:57 PM

rambleforce Congrats to the both of you!... 30-08-2017,
10:41 PM

iant333 Got the news yesterday, my... 31-08-2017,
05:43 AM

kennyc Wow....
That sux mate.... 31-08-2017,
07:12 AM

krazykatz They have a white wagon on... 31-08-2017,
08:45 AM

kennyc Thanks for pics, looks... 31-08-2017,
10:21 PM

kennyc My MK 7 GTI has interior... 01-09-2017,
11:46 AM

MK532 Wolfsburg Edition Golf R 02-09-2017,
10:25 AM

slimpig I've just been told my... 06-09-2017,
01:08 PM

rambleforce Yep, second what Nostalgie... 06-09-2017,
01:22 PM

SameAsTheGame Very true
Sent from my... 06-09-2017,
06:39 PM

kennyc I think any car between... 11-09-2017,
12:59 PM

kennyc Check out the Vehicle... 11-09-2017,
02:26 PM

BigAnt I thought the wolfburgs... 11-09-2017,
05:07 PM

Ground_Level well I got the good new the... 15-09-2017,
09:39 AM

Ground_Level Yeah wasn't really happy... 15-09-2017,
10:34 AM

Schvengb There was a white wolfsburg... 15-09-2017,
10:57 AM

kennyc Sucks balls big time! But... 15-09-2017,
02:32 PM

Ground_Level When i was in the market i... 15-09-2017,
05:48 PM

tlifewp There will be a blue... 16-09-2017,
05:46 AM

Nostalgie Well to try and ease my pain... 20-09-2017,
08:10 PM

slin Imgur: The most awesome... 21-09-2017,
08:45 PM

Nostalgie If the dealers aren't lying... 22-09-2017,
07:56 AM

kennyc That sucks Mr T!
What you... 22-09-2017,
08:10 AM

gregozedobe Build delays due to component... 22-09-2017,
08:27 AM

Nostalgie Just swapped my order from a... 23-09-2017,
03:08 PM

kennyc Mr T, any news? Were the... 23-09-2017,
07:01 PM

kennyc 30482
30485 26-09-2017,
06:46 PM

iant333 I have a 1st world issue.... 02-10-2017,
09:01 AM

Mike973 Yeah tested it on... 02-10-2017,
02:30 PM

audineil I bought an R36 in 2010 and... 02-10-2017,
08:32 PM

Ground_Level Well finally some good news... 03-10-2017,
08:06 PM

Ground_Level Yeah I'm not holding my... 03-10-2017,
09:49 PM

lynx In need of VW part # 06-10-2017,
09:13 PM

Ground_Level Any news kennyc ?? 07-10-2017,
08:24 PM

Ground_Level Yeah that sucks hopefully you... 07-10-2017,
11:16 PM

Ground_Level There is a white woofy wagon... 09-10-2017,
11:23 PM

gregozedobe That's funny, when I went... 10-10-2017,
12:09 AM

Ground_Level I was the first one to order... 10-10-2017,
06:52 AM

Ground_Level Lol hopefully not.. but i... 10-10-2017,
09:20 AM

kennyc Your boat might not have... 10-10-2017,
09:43 AM

Ground_Level Agreed i would be asking more... 10-10-2017,
04:05 PM

Ground_Level Well I have been on the hunt... 11-10-2017,
08:06 PM

Storm Trooper Hey everyone,
I'm new to... 12-10-2017,
05:04 PM

Ground_Level That is correct you shouldnt... 12-10-2017,
05:07 PM

Storm Trooper Thanks for the quick replies... 12-10-2017,
05:16 PM

zee19 9 the YouTube... 12-10-2017,
09:02 PM

Ground_Level Hooray for yah kenny about... 13-10-2017,
11:49 AM

Mike973 I cancelled my order which... 13-10-2017,
04:24 PM

LibraR Under promising and over... 13-10-2017,
05:04 PM

Ground_Level The problem i find with Audi... 17-10-2017,
06:40 AM

LibraR Not if you can secure the... 17-10-2017,
11:37 PM

iant333 My Welcome Experience Page... 20-10-2017,
08:31 AM

audineil We just arrived home after... 25-10-2017,
03:41 PM

llanfachreth Just tracked my Wagon (blue... 26-10-2017,
04:11 PM

audineil I drove my wife's 2013 BMW... 27-10-2017,
04:38 PM

Nostalgie So the WWL website says my... 27-10-2017,
06:46 PM

WallySimmonds There was almost zero... 28-10-2017,
04:40 PM

Nostalgie Just got a call from the... 01-11-2017,
02:09 PM

gregozedobe Updates on the WWL tracking... 02-11-2017,
09:07 PM

frostywinter Looks great...
Sent from... 03-11-2017,
04:43 PM

BigAnt Mine too! Wooo! 04-11-2017,
05:25 PM

Ground_Level Mine arrives 6th of dec... 04-11-2017,
07:41 PM

wookie_666 Picked up my wolfs wagon on... 07-11-2017,
12:48 PM

Eyes24 If your interested in... 07-11-2017,
12:50 PM

gregozedobe Unfortunately our opinions... 08-11-2017,
09:17 AM

Ground_Level Wolfsburg Golf R came into my... 09-11-2017,
11:55 AM

Ground_Level Some Photos after correction... 09-11-2017,
12:12 PM

Ground_Level No they dont in the centre... 09-11-2017,
01:24 PM

enufz Has any removed the roof... 09-11-2017,
01:53 PM

Ground_Level Will need to remove roofliner... 09-11-2017,
02:07 PM

enufz Is that a big job?
Sent... 09-11-2017,
02:16 PM

Ground_Level Yes will be a massive job as... 09-11-2017,
02:54 PM

Paul_R Wodonga Prestige in ....... 09-11-2017,
03:51 PM

Ground_Level I was going to say its not... 09-11-2017,
03:55 PM

Ground_Level So blue woof complete
... 09-11-2017,
05:28 PM

Ground_Level I have done 4 wagons so far... 10-11-2017,
06:38 AM

Ground_Level If you bought it from gerald... 10-11-2017,
08:23 AM

Ground_Level Well not long now cars on its... 11-11-2017,
07:36 AM

rambleforce Spotted slin's oryx wolfie on... 11-11-2017,
05:51 PM

Paul_R Picked up my car today.... 13-11-2017,
08:41 PM

WallySimmonds Sounds pretty good to me -... 14-11-2017,
07:30 AM

Dutch77 Swapped out a Lapiz hatch... 14-11-2017,
07:18 PM

WallySimmonds So you swapped out a normal... 14-11-2017,
07:35 PM

onelouder finally i picked up the wolf... 14-11-2017,
11:02 PM

Paul_R You need to change your... 15-11-2017,
05:23 AM

iant333 Good write up today on the... 15-11-2017,
05:34 AM

LibraR Good write up! The term... 15-11-2017,
07:22 AM

Mr T. VIN received!
Sent from... 27-11-2017,
01:52 PM

Dutch77 Obligatory pic:
31613 27-11-2017,
07:31 PM

gregozedobe I got a full tank of 98... 03-12-2017,
12:58 AM

Paul_R Photo shoot? 03-12-2017,
01:53 PM

gregozedobe Was the track day the... 03-12-2017,
04:20 PM

kennyc I sat in my mk 7 GTI the... 03-12-2017,
10:31 PM

justin_jt Just a silly question, do... 04-12-2017,
04:35 PM

justin_jt can i ask you guys who have... 05-12-2017,
12:11 PM

Rooboy 1. The sweeping motion is... 05-12-2017,
12:27 PM

Paul_R My front indicators don't... 05-12-2017,
01:53 PM

gregozedobe When I bought my wagon the... 13-12-2017,
01:32 AM

rambleforce Got the ‘Built’ update on the... 15-12-2017,
07:48 AM

Nostalgie Has anyone had issues with... 15-12-2017,
06:37 PM

Pizza The Hutt Just placed my deposit for a... 16-12-2017,
11:30 PM

WallySimmonds Yeah, it's a tough one. I... 17-12-2017,
07:52 AM

Dutch77 The R is not the most... 17-12-2017,
02:36 PM

WallySimmonds I've asked my dealer to... 17-12-2017,
06:02 PM

WallySimmonds 1k apparently. 17-12-2017,
06:21 PM

zee19 I guess that makes the... 17-12-2017,
07:29 PM

WallySimmonds Bigger discounts available on... 17-12-2017,
07:53 PM

WallySimmonds I doubt there's be too much... 18-12-2017,
07:27 AM

Paul_R Only thing that would now... 18-12-2017,
10:23 AM

gregozedobe If anyone is looking for a... 22-12-2017,
06:08 PM

llanfachreth 31912
Picked up mine this... 22-12-2017,
10:35 PM

Tinhillterror So much nicer than the ones... 23-12-2017,
11:04 AM

WallySimmonds To those that have driven... 23-12-2017,
12:07 PM

Storm Trooper Finally got my VIN today... 29-12-2017,
02:26 PM

zee19 Does the 7.5 sound any... 30-12-2017,
01:49 PM

Dutch77 Nice find MadWorm.
I had a... 04-01-2018,
06:13 PM

kennyc I'll ask about TJA at my... 04-01-2018,
06:54 PM

shauno No more ESP button? So... 04-01-2018,
09:25 PM

cosanostre Does anyone have an idea if... 04-01-2018,
09:42 PM

BigAnt Yep. Dealer showed me the... 05-01-2018,
06:03 AM

liljohnny19 Is there a way to tell if I... 05-01-2018,
11:05 AM

gregozedobe What are the changes for 18.5... 05-01-2018,
11:51 AM

WallySimmonds Saw a few Wolfies out today... 05-01-2018,
05:57 PM

WallySimmonds I'm assuming so. They... 05-01-2018,
06:12 PM

Dutch77 cosanostre - there was no... 05-01-2018,
06:20 PM

WallySimmonds Ahhh ok - I thought they were... 05-01-2018,
06:32 PM

Dutch77 ^ Touched on this in the... 05-01-2018,
06:35 PM

Rooboy To be fair, VW aren't the... 05-01-2018,
07:10 PM

Mattlock I saw a 7.5 wagon in white... 05-01-2018,
09:10 PM

Mr T. Maybe an iPad screen... 06-01-2018,
06:03 PM

rambleforce Good news! Got a VIN and my... 06-01-2018,
10:01 PM

Mr T. Has anyone taken up VWs... 10-01-2018,
04:09 PM

zee19 Can anyone recommend a... 11-01-2018,
04:01 PM

zee19 Detailer*
Sent from my... 11-01-2018,
04:03 PM

Dutch77 Just curious why you went... 13-01-2018,
04:14 PM

gregozedobe IIRC some people believe matt... 13-01-2018,
06:23 PM

Dutch77 You using the paper clip... 14-01-2018,
04:21 PM

Mattlock Nice work. That looks... 14-01-2018,
09:55 PM

BIGDOG I hear you Dutch... I’ve... 19-01-2018,
01:20 PM

Mattlock My R over 31,000km (a bit... 20-01-2018,
06:04 PM

iant333 Picking up my Wolfy... 21-01-2018,
10:36 AM

Benz Congrats and enjoy! 22-01-2018,
11:08 AM

3timesagolfgti Enjoy. I’ve had mine for 2... 22-01-2018,
11:16 AM

calvinbui Has anyone been able to... 22-01-2018,
11:12 PM

Storm Trooper Great news.
I received a... 29-01-2018,
09:09 AM

Tinhillterror There was a post in here... 29-01-2018,
03:30 PM

Dutch77 Yep, as below.
I would... 29-01-2018,
05:00 PM

cosanostre Gloss black $200 per tyre.... 30-01-2018,
02:15 PM

Storm Trooper Picked up my Wolfie today! I... 31-01-2018,
03:03 PM

calvinbui Congrats Storm Trooper!
My... 31-01-2018,
06:37 PM

WallySimmonds Be interested to see what you... 01-02-2018,
04:46 PM

Mattlock [emoji106]
Sent from my... 02-02-2018,
07:48 PM

CaptainCaveMan Are all you Wolfie owners... 03-02-2018,
10:25 PM

Rocket36 "Traffic Jam Assist" ?? Do... 05-02-2018,
08:58 AM

Rocket36 Good thing is that new... 06-02-2018,
10:50 PM

Pizza The Hutt Hi Everyone,
I'm looking to... 07-02-2018,
12:20 AM

Blackpaladin67 It takes me at best 50... 11-02-2018,
10:32 AM

calvinbui Has anyone fitted a pedalbox... 12-02-2018,
09:27 AM

3timesagolfgti Anybody fitted rally armor... 13-02-2018,
06:29 AM

Tinhillterror I’m still waiting for my car... 13-02-2018,
06:45 PM

Pizza The Hutt Wolfsburg arrived today, get... 15-02-2018,
10:58 PM

Cruzin Hi Guys,
Long time lurker... 20-02-2018,
02:04 PM

Tinhillterror Have had the Wolfsburg Wagon... 20-02-2018,
06:50 PM

rambleforce Update on mine, landed in... 20-02-2018,
09:48 PM

Tinhillterror Got to tackle Hodder st this... 22-02-2018,
09:30 AM

AT_SA Has anyone looked into... 23-02-2018,
08:02 AM

calvinbui 33240
Picked mine up... 23-02-2018,
01:55 PM

justin_jt yeh sometimes it buzzes. ... 23-02-2018,
04:10 PM

rambleforce Had the pleasure of picking... 24-02-2018,
09:09 AM

Eyes24 Nice, you going to get... 24-02-2018,
09:22 AM

Pizza The Hutt When cruise control is on you... 24-02-2018,
10:46 AM

WolfR Everyone’s different and... 24-02-2018,
03:40 PM

Mr T. Wolfsburg Edition Golf R 24-02-2018,
04:03 PM

Tinhillterror what do I do to get... 25-02-2018,
06:05 AM

calvinbui Maybe better off with the... 01-03-2018,
12:11 AM

avdo_ If anyone is interested,... 01-03-2018,
09:01 PM

calvinbui I'm seeing two white wagons... 05-03-2018,
05:37 PM

Tinhillterror Still enjoying driving the... 05-03-2018,
08:47 PM

Sharkbiscuit The Mrs car arrived after... 06-03-2018,
07:36 PM

Rocket36 Classic dealer delivery... 06-03-2018,
07:41 PM

bxpressiv I like it. Any colour is... 26-03-2018,
07:44 PM

Ground_Level Been a while since I posted... 30-03-2018,
09:22 PM

Ground_Level Brakes are done now 😁 31-03-2018,
12:40 PM

Ground_Level Thanks mate 31-03-2018,
01:28 PM

krazykatz Doesn't look good. I will be... 01-04-2018,
07:47 PM

Ground_Level 33774
New wing still not... 07-04-2018,
11:04 PM

WallySimmonds Yeah, I'm definitely not... 08-04-2018,
11:54 AM

Ground_Level As far as im aware it wont... 08-04-2018,
12:18 PM

Ground_Level You only avoid warranty to... 08-04-2018,
12:36 PM

Ground_Level Yeah have taken it off not... 09-04-2018,
02:45 PM

Ground_Level Zee spotted my weakness a not... 09-04-2018,
09:04 PM

Nugget Hey all,
I've had my 17... 12-04-2018,
07:29 PM

Mr T. I’m living my Wolfie too... 12-04-2018,
08:45 PM

bgroper IIRC park assist is... 13-04-2018,
07:24 AM

Tinhillterror still enjoying it, and as... 14-04-2018,
05:51 PM

Paul_R Golf R to Amarok...again 19-10-2018,
07:32 AM

Dutch77 Nothing nicked, you're ok. :) 10-11-2018,
03:51 PM

Dutch77 LOL - yeah it is pretty... 10-11-2018,
04:04 PM

AdamGTI Hey guys,
Looking at... 09-10-2019,
07:42 PM

gregozedobe Waterpump/thermostat housings... 09-10-2019,
10:46 PM

Tinhillterror First major concern with Mk 7... 09-11-2019,
09:56 AM

macksimon Great car. I have this too.... 09-11-2019,
10:15 AM

ScotRok Try here
2016 Volkswagen... 26-08-2016,
08:02 AM

Eyes24 Golf R Wolfsburg Wagon 12-05-2017,
05:21 PM

2muchcoffeeman I could/would be, but... 12-05-2017,
05:32 PM

coladuna Way too expensive IMO. 13-05-2017,
12:36 AM

Originally Posted by
More than 7 months ago.
What spec did you get?
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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