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Thread: When to tune or at what KMs stage 1 it

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2018

    When to tune or at what KMs stage 1 it

    Hi all

    First time owning a R 7.5.

    Had it now for a few months. No issues. But after driving a mates stage 1 R... my god the difference between stock and stage 1 wants to me get stage 1.

    Only done 3000km. So should i wait for the 1 yr mark in december to see if any issues will come up before stage 1 or just do it now?

    I know ill void the warranty but is it worth it? What if something fked up?

    I heard about the jb4 but i probably prefer the software version.

    If anyone have any sh*t or great experiences or at what KMs u stage1 it pls let me know.
    Last edited by Space_; 20-05-2018 at 09:25 PM.

  2. #2
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    I'd suggest to wait as long as you can to around 12 months or 10k km in that time car should have shown any warranty issues.

    In saying that I only lasted about 6 months and 5k km on my Mk7 R back in 2014 before going APR stage 1. I'm now stage 2 HO and 4yrs and almost 50k km down. I have had water pump go at about 40k km mark out of warranty and was about $1500 repair. I think that is less likely with upgraded water pumps in the 7.5 R and newer revision turbo's less likely to fail also.

    I'd say with good maintenance and common sense driving you shouldn't have any issues at all but also be prepared in that 1/100 chance you get turbo failure, haldex/water pump issue then your looking at $1500+ repairs.

  3. #3
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    Even if you're tuned if your water pump goes under warranty you're still covered for that. You don't void your whole warranty just by tuning but you will void the warranty on engine/drive-train components.

    Some people will take a brand new car straight from the dealership and tune it from day 1. Others wait for some time until they're happy that any manufacturing faults would have shown. There's a 3rd group who wait until their warranty expires and modify then.

    It really depends how risk averse you are and that's only something that you can decide.

    Having said that now that you know what you're missing out on you have to decide on fun vs. playing it safe. The R's only really come alive with a tune - you really need the extra torque/power to overcome the weight of running an AWD system to make it feel properly quick. But be warned it's a slippery slope once you start modifying....

    2017 Tiguan Sportline - Tigger73's 162TSI Sportline

    2016 Scirocco R, stage 1, 205kwaw (sold) - Tigger73's Scirocco R Build
    2013 Tiguan 155TSI, stage 1, 144kwaw (sold) - Tigger73's 155TSI Build
    2011 Tiguan 125TSI, Stage 2+, 152kwaw (sold)
    - Tigger73's 125TSI Build

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by mp2811 View Post
    turbo failure.
    How much is a turbo failure cost to repair or replace?

    Quote Originally Posted by mp2811 View Post
    haldex issue
    From what i saw after doing a quick search on google, awd becomes fwd. any other issues? And how much will this cost me in repairs?

    Quote Originally Posted by tigger73 View Post
    decide on fun vs. playing it safe.
    I am willling to pay to play up to a certain point though but still in saying that i am undecided on if i want warranty or not.

    Want to have an idea on any repairs costs if something fked up as this is the first time i have own some sort of sports/performance car
    Last edited by Space_; 21-05-2018 at 08:32 AM.

  5. #5
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    Re haldex issues generally at worst it's haldex pump which is about $1000 to fix. Mine is slightly playing up now when taking off fast in Race mode top end power 5k+ rpm in first gear the traction kicks in which is a known software issue in earlier models. I'm getting software update in couple weeks $170 cost.

    Regarding Turbo replacement It's probably $2k for replacement new turbo from USA, I'd probably source second hand one with low KM and then get it balanced and minor adjustments at turbo place before install. But it's also around $1000 install costs and can generally damage the CAT.

    Many people that have had it fail take it as opportunity to go stage 3 and for about $6500 you can get Racingline Stage 3 turbo and fuel pump installed and have 500+hp car. But those who do that are generally stage 2 tuned with upgraded IC etc.

    My thoughts are if you're happy enough stock stay that way as long as possible, once you feel you really need to tune to enjoy the car that's the time to do it.

    I can accept that now in 4yrs I've spent $1750 on repairs which hopefully nothing else should go wrong. If I can get to 8yrs and 100k km with a 400hp stage 2 tuned car with no other issues then I'm more than happy.

    Also Like Tiger stated with Haldex, water pump and even turbo known issues I've heard many times that they have been replaced under warranty even on tuned cars.

  6. #6
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    I went to Exoticars straight out off the showroom floor and had a downpipe, intake and stage 2 GIAC installed.... 4 years later, 120k on the clock/ multiple runs at WSID, track days and hard driving it has never skipped a beat . The only extra costs was the in between oil changes at 7.5k

    If you are worried about warranty buy the jb4 until you are comfortable your car is a good one, ive gone this path with my new rs245
    Polo GTI
    T-Roc R
    Tiguan R
    Tiguan 162 Allspace Wolfsburg

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by mp2811 View Post
    haldex pump which is about $1000

    $2k for replacement new turbo from USA

    about $6500 you can get Racingline Stage 3 turbo and fuel pump installed and have 500+hp car.
    Thanks man good info on some of the costs

    Quote Originally Posted by VR28LT View Post
    I went to Exoticars straight out off the showroom floor and had a downpipe, intake and stage 2 GIAC installed.... 4 years later, 120k on the clock/ multiple runs at WSID, track days and hard driving it has never skipped a beat . The only extra costs was the in between oil changes at 7.5k

    If you are worried about warranty buy the jb4 until you are comfortable your car is a good one, ive gone this path with my new rs245
    Wow. Baller. Might sit on it for another month and see if any other posters will post

    But i have that slight urge to get done

    Hmm afterthought- how much would stage 2 cost me?
    Last edited by Space_; 22-05-2018 at 11:12 PM.

  8. #8
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    Lol tuning and modding are a slippery slope so many things you can do
    Up to almost 10k now in mods and another 1200 or so in 2 weeks

  9. #9
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    Hmm afterthought- how much would stage 2 cost me?[/QUOTE]

    My advice would be go get custom tune done "stage 1" with inlet pipe and intake or intake box modified. If you want any nice induction then intake is worth it. Being 7.5R with the 7SP no need to get DSG tune to handle the extra torque.

    You can get custom tunes for around $800-1000 and inlet pipe is good cheap mod $200. If you go intake I see it mainly for induction noise so I'd probably go open style like IE or similar. Not sure on prices $500-900 depending on brand and type.

    Going stage 2 will cost about another $1500-2500 for DP installed and updated tune. In the 7R we also needed the DSG tune to cope with the torque and also improve driving modes.

    I'd suggest going custom stage 1 first with inlet and intake and see how you go best bang for buck. Another good little mod that's cheap is dogbone/trans insert that tightens up transmission and only about $70.

  10. #10
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    As for stage 2 its a downpipe along with the stage 2 tune much fatter torque curve with stage 2 over 1 from what i read main extra cost is pipe plus labour
    Think a good pipe is 1300 or so
    You can do intake as well more cost of course another 1300 for a full system from revo or vwr
    Good luck

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