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Thread: Voice Control and Speech - Issues and Questions

  1. #41
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    Quote Originally Posted by jdbrown1953 View Post
    Yes what needs to be established is for what model what has to be done to activate this feature. For example does the Comfortline range need hardware and software installed and how long would this take? Does the Highline range need only a software upgrade? Answers to these questions will help forum members in their decision making. Over to the forum
    jdbrown1953: Galvanised into action by your valkyrie like call-to-arms, I thought that I might have a look at the VAG COM coding status on my Golf (now that the voice control function has been activated on my car). But, even before I got-out my trusty VCDS cable, it struck me that such an exercise would be futile. As those of us that have invested in Mr Ross's equipment to use on our MkVII Golfs will attest, the capability of VCDS software version 12.12.0 is severly limited when used on the "AU" chassis.

    Now I'm the first to admit that I'm a rank novice when comes to matters VCDS related, but the autoscan file from my car (using the latest version VCDS software) says that 5 of the 14 controllers in my Highline Golf do not have labels. Crutially, the missing controller support labels relate to the areas when I would have thought that a fruitful search might bring some results (i.e, address 17 instruments, address 5F-information electronics). To add insult to injury, many of the pages that are available for the AU chassis are written in German. Mr Ross is aware of this problem and he has indicated that he will correct the matter "in the fullness of time".

    I've read on one site that Audi's voice related function can be accessed on "Elecronics1" tab and then the "77-Telephone" module. I tried this on my my Golf only to be presented with an error message saying that this module was not supported.
    If one of the more VCDS knowledgeable folk on this forum can suggest where I might look, I'd be happy to have a peek at the coding. Over to you!

  2. #42
    Join Date
    Nov 2013
    Angelus512: Have you chased your dealer up with regards to this feature yet?

    Yesterday I called a few dealers and the service/parts centre in Adelaide who were all unaware of a fix being available for the Golf 7. I just got off the phone with VW Customer Care (cheers AJD for copying the email in Post #20) who informed me the VCM is now available as an accessory. The Voice Control Module is a SOFTWARE update therefore the Comfortline does not require any hardware installation.

    The customer care consultant informed me that all dealers and service/parts centres were made aware in communications that were sent out. He was unable to quote a cost and I assume it is up to how much the dealership/service centre wants to rape you to install a program via SD card or CD.

    I'm hoping mine is nice enough to install it free of charge when I have it delivered in 4 months time.
    Last edited by veew; 12-01-2014 at 07:42 AM. Reason: Corrected acronym for VCM

  3. #43
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    Best just to wait for those label files and let someone else be the pioneer who potentially stuffs something up

    If you see someone else (i.e. from Germany) say something like 'go to module 77, byte 5, and enable bit 2' then you could give that a shot without having the label files if you trust them.

  4. #44
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    Seems you have the answer its a software update for the comfortline which is great. I think I'll hang back a bit and see people's first hand experiences with how "useful" the system is and $cost associated before bothering to much.

    However I'm curious does this bluetooth system "impose" its spoken commands on any phone? Like as example my phone is an iphone 4 (not 4s) so no Siri. I refuse to upgrade my phone until they make a larger screen....

  5. #45
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    Quote Originally Posted by vdubberd View Post
    Interested to know if anyone else has had success with getting the voice control activated under Warrenty? Or if they had to pay, at what cost?

    I recieve my new golf in the coming weeks and am curious as to whether I should push for this to be activated with the dealer
    I was just quoted $416 to install the software by a local dealer - in my mind, not worth the cost, the effort or to give VW the satisfaction of charging me for their screw up.

  6. #46
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    Quote Originally Posted by angelus512 View Post
    However I'm curious does this bluetooth system "impose" its spoken commands on any phone? Like as example my phone is an iphone 4 (not 4s) so no Siri. I refuse to upgrade my phone until they make a larger screen....
    The system is independent of Siri, the bluetooth is for calling contacts.

  7. #47
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    Jun 2013
    I took delivery of my 2013 Series 7 TDI Highline in mid 2013. Like others, I was disappointed that, although I had the voice control button, it only performed a 'mute' function for my radio or music. Have just raised the issue with my dealer as to whether there was now a firmware/software update to give me full 'voice' functionality and received the response below:

    There is now a dealer fit option as below

    Option 1 is $212.80 ex gst

    Option 2 is $380.75 ex gst this one is for satnav vehicles

    Let me know if interested

    I am going to follow this up next week.

  8. #48
    Join Date
    Oct 2007
    Voice control is even optional in Germany on Golf... 205 euro.

  9. #49
    Join Date
    Feb 2012

    Dumb Dealer needs Help - Traffic and Voice button Can you help me help them...

    Hi Guys,

    Just got bak from picking my My13 Golf Highline from the dealer after a overnight stay to complete a 15,000 service a complete a couple of updates I requested.

    When the service #itch and I will call her that, She should not be in customer service, goes to read the service report to me, she first notes that they have checked the mute button and it is ok.

    I say that is not what I requested I wanted you to install the fix to make the button a voice control button as described in the brochure.

    I will check on that when I get your car, I also requested the Sat Sav system be updated to be able to use traffic.

    Yeps that is done.

    Well She comes back with my car. I checked with head tech we don't know anything about a fix, well I have read about it online and the information has been given out by VW customer care, where did you read it, on a VW forum online,

    Was it on the VW website, No, well we can't do it, why? if it is aftermarket we can't do it.

    It is not after market it is a fix put out by VW Australia to make the voice control work, well if it is not website we can't do it as it is after market, it is not after market, I just shook my head.

    I said I would call VW customer care and get the details for her, she goes "ah ok"

    She was so rude and had so much attitude and should not have been in any customer service roll. Like a like of dealer service staff.

    I could have ripped her head off, she made me so mad. Any way just wanted to get out to car, drive off and guess what no traffic, what the hell, a overnight stay just for a 15,000km service.

    So I can go back, and show her the error of her ways, Can anybody provide any details like codes, service bulletins, what every you have got on:

    1. How to get traffic working on a MY13 Highline (MY14 is working for new VW owners)
    2. Details on the update how the voice control button working.

    I love my VW's but the service you get from dealerships, really you can see why people go to other high end brands.

    I love car dealerships, I love to look even when taking my car in for a service, but when going into a VW dealer you know it is always going to be hard work.

    Any help before I have to call the Dim wits in VW customer service would be great.

  10. #50
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    I wasn't aware VW Nav had the traffic data, they certainly didn't in the RNS510.

    Also i was not aware that there was an update to get voince control working.

    Good luck with your search though.

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