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Thread: Voice Control and Speech - Issues and Questions

  1. #11
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    Just got the "skinny" on voice recognition in the golf 7 Highline models from a very helpful VW service manager. VWA have issued a kit - at $450 and recommended to dealers 2 hours to fit it. So all up it's going to be around $600 -$650 installed. Apparently it requires the removal of some interior trim. It would want to be bloody good at this price. Helpful service manager advised to wait and see as it was expensive and as yet there is no information out there on how well it may work!
    MY14 Golf VII 110 TDI Highline | DSG 6 spd | Pure White | Bi-Xennon | Sunroof | Driver Assist 2 | Leather |

  2. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by jdbrown1953 View Post
    Just got the "skinny" on voice recognition in the golf 7 Highline models from a very helpful VW service manager. VWA have issued a kit - at $450 and recommended to dealers 2 hours to fit it. So all up it's going to be around $600 -$650 installed. Apparently it requires the removal of some interior trim. It would want to be bloody good at this price. Helpful service manager advised to wait and see as it was expensive and as yet there is no information out there on how well it may work!
    jbdrown1953:I hear what your saying, but my dealer gave me an entirely different story! Not sure where the truth lies, but my dealer rang me last week to say that he had in his "hot little hand" (his words exactly) a CD that VW Australia provided for the Voice Control fix. His explanation was that what was required was some kind of "authorisation code" to enable the function.
    To be fair, my circumstance might be a little different because my 103TSI Highline was meant to have voice control from the get-go (at least that's what the April 2013 VW brochure said). It may be that my Highline already has the necessary hardware installed. It might be that the fix for the Highline series is simply a bit of extra software. Whereas the $450 +fitting time option is for an upgrade (like putting voice control on the comfortline series).
    Given Ryan_R's commentary on the ability of the VW system to recognise Aussie accents, I would be very wary at spending this kind of money and then finding out that it only works if you speak like Prince Charles, or his Mum!

  3. #13
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    My Highline is a June 2013 build. It may be that at that time VWA had deleted voice control from their build in the factory. On a related topic I am also waiting for a fix to the appalling navigation system voice directions which are unintelligible making the system useless. This fix was also due about now.
    MY14 Golf VII 110 TDI Highline | DSG 6 spd | Pure White | Bi-Xennon | Sunroof | Driver Assist 2 | Leather |

  4. #14
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    It seems that voice control is optional in the UK as well. UKP185 option.

  5. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by jdbrown1953 View Post
    Just got the "skinny" on voice recognition in the golf 7 Highline models from a very helpful VW service manager. VWA have issued a kit - at $450 and recommended to dealers 2 hours to fit it. So all up it's going to be around $600 -$650 installed. Apparently it requires the removal of some interior trim.
    I'm not sure why any hardware would be required. Voice control needs a microphone obviously, but that will have been installed as part of the factory standard bluetooth, so I can't see what else would be needed... unless they have decided there's a need for a supplemental mic or it's an entirely separate system?
    2008 MkV Volkswagen Golf R32 DSG
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  6. #16
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    Sounds to me like they've got a new firmware CD and want to charge handsomely for it.

  7. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by AdamD View Post
    I'm not sure why any hardware would be required. Voice control needs a microphone obviously, but that will have been installed as part of the factory standard bluetooth, so I can't see what else would be needed... unless they have decided there's a need for a supplemental mic or it's an entirely separate system?
    Yes agree I would have thought that from a factory build perspective all the gear would be there and it would just be a matter via VAG com of activating the feature. No need for CD's and the like. Unless VWA deleted this feature from the factory build. There so much conflicting information and speculation out there atm so the best is to wait and let the dust settle and let the facts emerge.
    Last edited by jdbrown1953; 22-12-2013 at 07:43 AM.
    MY14 Golf VII 110 TDI Highline | DSG 6 spd | Pure White | Bi-Xennon | Sunroof | Driver Assist 2 | Leather |

  8. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by jdbrown1953 View Post
    My Highline is a June 2013 build. It may be that at that time VWA had deleted voice control from their build in the factory. On a related topic I am also waiting for a fix to the appalling navigation system voice directions which are unintelligible making the system useless. This fix was also due about now.
    jdbrown: I hate to be a continuous harbinger of bad news but I suspect that you will be disapointed at VW Aust's response to the Sat Nav pronunciation problem. I have already received a letter about this issue from my "customer care advisor" (there's that misnomer again) from VW Aust. The letter (which was dated late November 2013) states that the matter has been referred to "our factory in Germany but there are no software updates". The letter goes on to say that "regardless of this, the Satelite Navagation unit has been determined to be performing as per the manuafacture's specification".
    This is why I said in my previous post that I will need to rely on Australia's consumer law to progress this issue. Whilst I relish the prospect of testing (in law) VW Aust's assertion that the Sat Nav is operating as per its design, my understanding is that as a result of recent changes in conumer law, I must prosecute my case against the dealer (not against VW Aust). I guess this makes sense given that the contract of sale was between the dealer and me. But the dealer has been my staunchest ally in trying to fix this problem, whereas VW Aust. have been constantly agressive in their denial to this warranty claim.

    Anyhow, I hope that you get a different response (than I did ) about the Sat Nav pronunciation issue. If you do, please let the rest of us know the outcome (because I assume that like me, you are also a member of the proletariate - and we all need to stick together comrade!)

  9. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by DV52 View Post
    jdbrown: I hate to be a continuous harbinger of bad news but I suspect that you will be disapointed at VW Aust's response to the Sat Nav pronunciation problem. I have already received a letter about this issue from my "customer care advisor" (there's that misnomer again) from VW Aust. The letter (which was dated late November 2013) states that the matter has been referred to "our factory in Germany but there are no software updates". The letter goes on to say that "regardless of this, the Satelite Navagation unit has been determined to be performing as per the manuafacture's specification".
    This is why I said in my previous post that I will need to rely on Australia's consumer law to progress this issue. Whilst I relish the prospect of testing (in law) VW Aust's assertion that the Sat Nav is operating as per its design, my understanding is that as a result of recent changes in conumer law, I must prosecute my case against the dealer (not against VW Aust). I guess this makes sense given that the contract of sale was between the dealer and me. But the dealer has been my staunchest ally in trying to fix this problem, whereas VW Aust. have been constantly agressive in their denial to this warranty claim.

    Anyhow, I hope that you get a different response (than I did ) about the Sat Nav pronunciation issue. If you do, please let the rest of us know the outcome (because I assume that like me, you are also a member of the proletariate - and we all need to stick together comrade!)
    You can take the matter to VCAT and nominate anyone you like as the defendant. Volkswagen are the manufacturer and supplier of the product, the Dealer is merely acting as their agent.

  10. #20
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    The latest direct from VWA today…
    "Thank you for your email.

    An accessory is available to enable the voice command within the Golf 7 variants, please liaise with the parts department within a Volkswagen dealership who will be able to assist you further.

    To locate your nearest Volkswagen dealership please use the link below,
    </title><meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;charset=UTF-8" /><meta http-equiv="Content-Language" content="en" /><meta name="keywords" content="Volkswagen Australia" /><meta name="description" content="YouVW" /><meta name="VW.urltitle1"

    Should you require further information or assistance please contact our Customer Care team on 1800 607 822.

    Wishing you a happy holiday season.

    Kind Regards,

    Fidel Jalotjot
    Customer Care Frontline Advisor
    VOLKSWAGEN Group Australia

    Regents Park Business Centre
    PO Box 414
    Regents Park NSW 2143

    Phone: 1800 607 822"

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