Originally Posted by
Thanks - I'll give it a go
AAARGH: Hi and thanks for the PM.
Yes, you are correct that my link for the Air Circulation tweak on the MkVII VCDS Tweak - Reference thread no longer works because the pictures in the original link that OP used have now been removed.
With full attribution to yorky - I provide a different set of instructions for the coding change for this tweak
The reason for the my changed instructions for this tweak is because I do not believe that "Hex 41" in yorky post is correct ("Hex 41" originally came from the GOLFMK7 forum).
Here's why I suggest a different set of changes for this tweak:
First - my explanation below must necessarily involve the very strange form of mathematics called "Hexadecimal" and "Binary". I don't apologize for this because modules do NOT use decimal arithmetic. So, whenever 8 x digit Binary numbers are quoted below - remember that they are read from right-to-left. This means that Bit 0 is the right-most digit in a Binary number (and Bit 7 is the left-most digit)
On the long-code string for the 08 module, the upper-nibble (meaning Bit 4-7) for Byte 04 controls 2 x separate aspects of the Air circulation/recirculation function as shown in the VCDS screenshot below
Again as shown - for Bit 6-7, the Air Circulation Type can be either "Credit", or "Normal". AFAIK, mk7 Golfs in Australia use the latter type as factory set which. This means the default value is Hex 00 (i.e. Bit 6 =0, Bit 7 =0)
To activate this tweak Bit 4-5 must be changed to allow the Air recirculation to store the cycle setting. As shown below, this means that Bit 4-5 must have the value hex10 which is equivalent to Bit 4=1, Bit 5 =0
So, combining the two settings above - the change for this tweak is:
Air Recirculation: remember last setting
08 module
- If the factory setting for Byte 04 = Hex00=00000000, change to Hex10 = 00010000.
- If the factory setting for Byte 04 = Hex40=01000000, change to Hex50 = 01010000.
Or, simply - the tweak is: set Byte 04, Bit 4=1 on the 08 module
PS: I will alter the link to this tweak in the reference thread to point to this post:
Last edited by DV52; 04-09-2024 at 09:18 AM.
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