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Thread: VCDS (VAG-COM) codes and programmable options for Golf Mk7

  1. #1941
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    Quote Originally Posted by yorky View Post
    I've set the fog's to allgemeine LED.
    OK - if you have told the BCM that the 2 x lamps are LED - then it's probably prudent to increase the Dimmwert AB channel in the 2 x Leuchte-sets to 127 (this is max illumination for digital PWM control)

    Quote Originally Posted by yorky View Post
    The roof blind is that subsystem, however the code is 191900.
    hmm........ alas, I don't have any information about the long-code for this subsystem

    Quote Originally Posted by yorky View Post
    I had seen a couple of ways of getting the battery State of Charge (SOC), with one being to hold the trip reset with the vehicle off, and another being an adaptation I think. However neither work for me. Do you know of a current way of displaying this?
    hmm...... I'm going to contradict @hillbilly and I suspect that this car does indeed have "the module on the battery" (see picture below) because I'm almost certain that your car has Start Stop fitted - most (ALL?) Aussie Golf mk7s do have SS.

    My belief is that this matter has nothing to do with "the module on the battery" because the absence of SoC on mk7s/mk7.5 affects cars that both have and don't have this module.

    The SoC facility was factory coded into early model mk7s that were first released in Australia (and world wide). However, because these vehicles had regenerative braking (i.e. energy recovery during braking), the design of the energy management system necessarily needed to allow an amount of the battery capacity for this extra charging facility. This amount was typically 20% of full battery charge. This meant that the SoC reading was nearly always 80% -70%. More importantly, this also meant that the reading was almost NEVER 100%.

    The SoC facility was removed from later model mk7s and on ALL mk7.5s by the deities on the VW mother-ship. My hunch is the the reason for this decision was because of the volume of complaints/questions from early mk7 owners about a SoC reading never approached 100%. The change was made to the firmware in the hex17 module (the instrument cluster module) and this altered firmware affected ALL subsequent, later model cars -even "Yankee" model mk7/mk7.5 that didn't have the battery monitor module.

    Quote Originally Posted by yorky View Post
    This ones probably not for here, however one of the FM radio channels is coming through way louder than the rest, which is odd, as several other cars I've been in recently don't do it. Seen anything that has anything to do with that?
    hmm....... very odd!! Not sure why this is happening because the amplifier's audio-gain setting for the radio signal is the same for the entire FM frequency band (see the multiple Audio Management Input Gain channels in the hex5F module)

    Quote Originally Posted by yorky View Post
    Then next up, learning some more about lights. I'm going to first try enabling the inner boot lights as brake lights as well. I've come across your document "How MQB platform vehicles control external lights - preliminary observations", however there is no date on it, was there only one version of that?
    hmm....... that's a very, very old document that I authored when my understanding of things Leuchte-based was embryonic (pre-natal really)!! Alas, with subsequent knowledge, the document contains many errors. No I haven't updated my Leuchte-programming primer - it's something on my bucket-list!!
    Last edited by DV52; 04-08-2023 at 08:33 AM.
    Please don't PM to ask questions about coding, or vehicle repairs. The better place to deal with these matters is on-line, in the forum proper. That way you get the benefit of the expertise of the wider forum! Thank you.

  2. #1942
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    Quote Originally Posted by DV52 View Post
    hmm...... I'm going to contradict @hillbilly and I suspect that this car does indeed have "the module on the battery" (see picture below) because I'm almost certain that your car has Start Stop fitted - most (ALL?) Aussie Golf mk7s do have SS.

    My belief is that this matter has nothing to do with "the module on the battery" because the absence of SoC on mk7s/mk7.5 affects cars that both have and don't have this module.

    The SoC facility was removed from later model mk7s and on ALL mk7.5s by the deities on the VW mother-ship. My hunch is the the reason for this decision was because of the volume of complaints/questions from early mk7 owners about a SoC reading never approached 100%. The change was made to the firmware in the hex17 module (the instrument cluster module) and this altered firmware affected ALL subsequent, later model cars -even "Yankee" model mk7/mk7.5 that didn't have the battery monitor module.

    Mine was a 2019 Tiguan 162 and I could never get it to show up. I read on another forum that it was missing a part and they showed a pic of a battery which had more than your pic beside the battery> Thats all I know but nothing worked.
    2021 Kamiq LE 110 , Moon White, BV cameras F & B
    Mamba Ebike to replace Tiguan

  3. #1943
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    Thanks for that, I've set the fogs to 127.

    Is the document still ok to kind of get my head around the settings? I've had a quick read and only just understand it.

    Now I've hit a problem with the rear right window, I put it down a crack this morning, and now it won't go up or down! And the window lock button won't enable either. An autoscan had a few faults, I did a scan prior to any changes and there were no faults. However, there are many faults now, I've saved the scan. Would doing a lot of the usual adaptations create fault codes? I know one was created because of enabling speed sign recognition, which has been reported to error but still works. I've done a clear and re-scan, and all have cleared except:
    551445 - Databus
    U1121 00 [009] - Missing Message
    [TSG_HFS_01 Datenbus fehlende Botschaft]

    1114113 - Local Data Bus
    U10BA 00 [009] - No Communication

    196644 - Local Data Bus
    U10BA 00 [009] - No Communication
    [Door electronics driver side rear Function limitation due to missing message]

    And of course pretty obvious one:
    Address BB: Door Rear Drv
    Cannot be reached

    I'm hoping after some tint work was done, that it's just something loose!
    2019 Mk7.5 Golf Wagon

  4. #1944
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    Quote Originally Posted by yorky View Post
    Is the document still ok to kind of get my head around the settings? I've had a quick read and only just understand it.
    Yeah..... the general tenets in the document are OK - it's some of my detailed hypotheses that I got wrong in those early days in my understanding of Leuchte stuff!!

    Quote Originally Posted by yorky View Post
    Now I've hit a problem with the rear right window, I put it down a crack this morning, and now it won't go up or down! And the window lock button won't enable either. An autoscan had a few faults, I did a scan prior to any changes and there were no faults. However, there are many faults now, I've saved the scan. Would doing a lot of the usual adaptations create fault codes? I know one was created because of enabling speed sign recognition, which has been reported to error but still works. I've done a clear and re-scan, and all have cleared except:
    551445 - Databus
    U1121 00 [009] - Missing Message
    [TSG_HFS_01 Datenbus fehlende Botschaft]

    1114113 - Local Data Bus
    U10BA 00 [009] - No Communication

    196644 - Local Data Bus
    U10BA 00 [009] - No Communication
    [Door electronics driver side rear Function limitation due to missing message]

    And of course pretty obvious one:
    Address BB: Door Rear Drv
    Cannot be reached

    I'm hoping after some tint work was done, that it's just something loose!
    hmm........ I've been doing this stuff for a long time and my single most-est important learning in the many years that I have been looking at diagnostic errors is to be very cautious when making conclusions based on snippets of SCAN reports!!

    The problem with replying to these questions is that forums like this are an atrocious medium for remote diagnostics. So I'm starting with a severe disability which really results from a very bad case of information asymmetry (meaning that you know much more about the back-story for this fault than me). When snippets of the SCAN report are provided, this disability is exacerbated because there can be lots of diagnostic intelligence in the missing parts of the report.

    So, with the caveat above and just based on the scant data provided - my hunch (guess really) is that it's NOT "just something loose"! Instead, I suspect that the cause of the problem may be coding based - I think that somehow the CAN network on this car has been told another porkie - specifically, I'm guessing that the GIL (Gateway Installation List) has been told that this car has a Rear Driver-side Door module, when it does not!

    I suggest that you go back to the VCDS history records and re-trace the changes made - look for changes to the GIL (if any)

    Last edited by DV52; 05-08-2023 at 10:00 AM.
    Please don't PM to ask questions about coding, or vehicle repairs. The better place to deal with these matters is on-line, in the forum proper. That way you get the benefit of the expertise of the wider forum! Thank you.

  5. #1945
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    As luck would have it, the rear right window worked fine when driving it out this morning. Although, not when I finished work to come home... So I'm waiting for it to work again before trying to scan again.

    Different topic, mine has LED cornering lights (separate from the fog lights). I can't find the channel for this. I'm looking to turn them on with the high beams.

    Also, I'm looking into changing the hazard light flashing around. Similar to the Joker stuff, however having hazards flash left then right instead of both at the same time (there are no inner turn signals). I've seen a video somewhere, however, is this possible, that it only does that with the hazards, and doesn't disrupt normal turn signals?

    I noticed your post here VCDS (VAG-COM) codes and programmable options for Golf Mk7
    Which has down the bottom "(3)-Dyn. turn signal modes-Warnblinken
    My stock adaptions already had this one as active, does that help? Außenlicht_Blinker-Warnblinken_Zuendung_AUS (and _EIN)

    I'm also not sure which channel the front indicators are, 0 and 1 are not active.
    2019 Mk7.5 Golf Wagon

  6. #1946
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    Quote Originally Posted by yorky View Post
    As luck would have it, the rear right window worked fine when driving it out this morning. Although, not when I finished work to come home... So I'm waiting for it to work again before trying to scan again.
    hmm....... not sure why you want to wait -but it's entirely your decision!!

    Quote Originally Posted by yorky View Post
    Different topic, mine has LED cornering lights (separate from the fog lights). I can't find the channel for this. I'm looking to turn them on with the high beams.
    If the cornering lights are internal to the headlight housings - then their operation can't be modified

    Quote Originally Posted by yorky View Post
    Also, I'm looking into changing the hazard light flashing around. Similar to the Joker stuff, however having hazards flash left then right instead of both at the same time (there are no inner turn signals). I've seen a video somewhere, however, is this possible, that it only does that with the hazards, and doesn't disrupt normal turn signals?

    I noticed your post here VCDS (VAG-COM) codes and programmable options for Golf Mk7
    Which has down the bottom "(3)-Dyn. turn signal modes-Warnblinken
    My stock adaptions already had this one as active, does that help? Außenlicht_Blinker-Warnblinken_Zuendung_AUS (and _EIN)
    hmm......... I'm not entirely sure that I understand your wants - I'm not aware how to implement sequential hazard warning lights

    Quote Originally Posted by yorky View Post
    I'm also not sure which channel the front indicators are, 0 and 1 are not active.
    I suspect that this car has Light-Control-Modules (LCMs) installed - look at your SCAN report. If so, the lamps in the headlight fittings won't be controlled by the BCM. Instead, these lamps are managed by the LCMs and the headlight Leuchte-sets in the BCM will be factory disabled. Alas, VCDS can't access the lighting behavior of LCMs!
    Please don't PM to ask questions about coding, or vehicle repairs. The better place to deal with these matters is on-line, in the forum proper. That way you get the benefit of the expertise of the wider forum! Thank you.

  7. #1947
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    Thanks, I just wanted to compare auto scans. It's now magically working (and has done for another day), doing a scan doesn't bring up "Address BB: Door Rear Drv" at all now. No coding changes have been done in between it not working/working.

    Bummer with the cornering lights, yes they are internal to the headlight. At least they come on with reverse, that's a really good feature.

    With the hazards, it's not so much sequential, just alternating left and right, rather than both flashing at the same time.

    And thanks for the LCM info, I came across that in some settings. That's a bummer that it's not going to be that customizable!
    2019 Mk7.5 Golf Wagon

  8. #1948
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    I noticed with the hazards, the flash time is slightly different with the ignition off, there is a slight pause after the second flash.

    Is there an option to adjust the flash rate in general at all? I'm thinking slightly faster would be better, then changing the comfort flash to x5 times.

    I haven't had any luck making lights (like tail lights) flash only with hazards. There were some old guides around (that now I can't find), but I'm guessing things have slightly changed.
    2019 Mk7.5 Golf Wagon

  9. #1949
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    Quote Originally Posted by DV52 View Post
    Nuje: Hi - Allow me to add to agentthumb's excellent response, please.

    At a fundamental level, the standard wiring for the two rear fog lights on a mk7 will be problematic to achieve your (interesting) lighting effect. The perhaps not surprising feature about Leuchte programming is that whilst it's possible to allocate up to 8 x different functions to an individual lamp, the instructions from a Leuchte-set are sent to a single pin on the BCM (what VW calls "J519", or the module @ address hex09 on the VCDS autoscan)

    As I explain in my Leuchte programming paper, the naming protocol that VW uses for their Leuchte channels identifies which pin on the BCM that will be affected by the setting value. For example, for (4)-Leuchte26NSL LA72-Lichtfunktion A 26, which is one of the channels for the rear fog light(s) - the A72 means that this channel value is allocated to PIN #72 of Socket A on the BCM

    So, here's the fundamental problem with your suggestion (and I don't intend any mockery) - the standard wiring arrangement for the rear fogs is as follows:

    Notice that the two rear fog lights are wired in parallel, which means that they share the same PIN on the BCM - which means that there is only one Leuchte-set for both lamps - which means that it's not possible to turn on/off just one lamp at any instance (i.e to make just the left fog light blink - without also making the right side fog light blink)



    PS: Of course, if you were sufficiently motivated, you could re-wire one of the fogs to a spare "Leuchte PIN" on the BCM (there are a small number of unused Leuchte-sets in the BCM) , but then you would need to consider the matters in Agenttumb's response
    Hi DV52, is it possible to get a copy of your leutche programming paper, I’m slowly trying to compile a list of the channels in my mk7 gtd with factory xenon and led rear lights for the purpose of being able to change light functions and add lighting to spare pins.

  10. #1950
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    @HenHogs_Dadda: Hi.

    Wow - that's a very, very old document! Alas no, I don't have a copy anymore - but I'm aware that there are copies on the net (not sure where).

    If you do manage to find a copy of the document - be aware that I wrote it when my understanding of Leuchte-programming was infantile at best (it was actually pre-natal!). So, although the general tenets are OK -the detail is riddled with errors.

    Anyhow, hopefully the list below is helpful for your specific purpose.

    HTML Code:
    MK7 Golf        
    Leuchte 0 BLK VL B36    >    Turn Signal front left 
    Leuchte1BLK VRB20    >    Turn Signal front right 
    Leuchte2SL VLB10    >    Daytime running lights left LED 
    Leuchte3SL VRB21    >    Daytime running lights right LED 
    Leuchte4TFL LB4       >   Daytime running lights supply left 
    Leuchte5 TFL RB32    >    Daytime running lights supply right 
    Leuchte8FL LB39        >    Parking lights/High Beam left 
    Leuchte9FL RB2         >    Parking light/High Beam right 
    Leuchte6ABL LC5     >    Low beam left, Halogen/Xenon 
    Leuchte7ABL RB1        >    Low beam right, Halogen/Xenon 
    Leuchte10SHUTTER LB23     >    High Beam Xenon left 
    Leuchte11SHUTTER RB22     >    High Beam Xenon right 
    Leuchte12NL LB45     >    Fog Light Left Front 
    Leuchte13NL RB5     >    Fog Light Right Front                
    Leuchte16BLK SLB35BLK     >    Turn Signal, rear left inside (LED taillights) 
    SL KC9     
    Leuchte17TFL R BLK BLK     >    Turn Signal, rear right inside (LED taillights) 
    Leuchte27NSL RC6     >    "Stand back" lights both inside (LED taillights) 
    Leuchte18BLK HLA60     >    Turn Signal, rear left (outside) (taillights) 
    Leuchte19BLK HRC31     >    Turn Signal, rear right (outside) (taillights) 
    Leuchte20BR LA71     >    Brake light, rear left (taillights) 
    Leuchte21BR RC8     >    Brake light, rear right (taillights) 
    Leuchte22BR MA57     >    Brake light, rear center (third brake light) 
    Leuchte23SL HLC10     >    Parking light, rear left inside (taillights) 
    Leuchte24SL HRA65     >    Parking light, rear right inside (taillights) 
    Leuchte25KZL HA59     >    Number plate light 
    Leuchte26NSL LA72     >    Fog Light, rear inside (taillights) 
    Leuchte28RFL LC11     >    Reversing light, rear left inside (rear lights) 
    Leuchte29RFL RA64     >    Reversing light, rear right inside (rear lights) 
    Leuchte30FR LC72    >    Footwell lighting 
    Leuchte31AMBL 1C61    >    not used, ambient lighting 
    Leuchte32AMBL 2C35    >    not used, ambient lighting 
    Leuchte33AMBL 3C36    >    not used, ambient lighting 
    Leuchte34AMBL 4C37    >    not used, ambient lighting 
    Leuchten14AL LB6    >    not used 
    Leuchte15AL RB44    >    not used 
    Please don't PM to ask questions about coding, or vehicle repairs. The better place to deal with these matters is on-line, in the forum proper. That way you get the benefit of the expertise of the wider forum! Thank you.

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