In ambient lighting or module 14 dashboard and use a different version as there are about 6 different versions
What vehicle is it because the above is for a Tiguan with digital dash
2021 Kamiq LE 110 , Moon White, BV cameras F & B
Mamba Ebike to replace Tiguan
cars (chronological) Morris850, Morris Mini DeLuxe, Cooper S, Mazda 1500SS, hard times so some old Holden, old Falcon Ute, better times so second hand Lotus Elan +2 (6 weeks, hopelessly unreliable) Chrysler Valiant Charger 770, second hand Datsun 260Z + 2 auto, Mitsubishi Cordia Turbo, Nissan 200SX turbo auto for 20 years(wonderful car burning ZERO oil after 200,000km & no problems when sold.. should have kept it), Toyota GTS 86 auto, now Golf R Mk 7.5 DSG built Aug2018, white.
Did that 3 weeks ago and it is virtually useless as where the button is in a Tiguan even when it does light up you cant see it if sunlight is on the dash.
Easiest way to find out is get someone to follow you and get in the correct situation and look to see what happens.
The tweak wont work on 2017 models and is included in my list of things you can do here
And yes they DO LIGHT UP under heavy braking so you can get more sleep
2021 Kamiq LE 110 , Moon White, BV cameras F & B
Mamba Ebike to replace Tiguan
As I said, it's not my tweak- so I have no particular loyalty to it. Nevertheless and unlike my esteemed colleague, I'm not so disparaging about the tweak.
There may well be instances on a bright sunny day when glare makes it difficult to see the red LED, but I would hardly characterize this as making the tweak "virtually useless". Clearly my success criteria is different (or perhaps it's simply a matter of having a different retinal response to red light on a sunny day)!! Anyhow, this is a classic example of two individuals looking at the same thing and where one is ambivalent about the information on view, the other sees volumes!!
I reckon that the tweak does a perfectly acceptable job -albeit I would recommend that those who think otherwise should revert their settings back to original immediately (if not sooner!!)
On a more serious note - having had the facility operational for a few weeks now, the on/off dynamic is most intriguing. Before this tweak, I was convinced that the central element that causes the brake light to turn-on was the right/left side Leuchte-sets in the BCM/central electrics module (depending on your preferred diagnostic device)
However, I'm now of the view that on MQB platform cars there are in fact 2 x separate routes to illuminating the Brake light. I've still to do further tests, but it appears that the brake light function is directly tied to the ECU (@ address hex01) in a way that by-passes the Leuchte-set entirely. So, regardless of how the leuchte-set is programmed, pressing the brake pedal turns-on the lamp. I suspect that this even happens if the Leuchte-set is disabled entirely. My initial suspicion is that this direct-route is a safety feature.
The second brake-light route appears to come separately from the "assist" modules like ACC. It seems that these brake signals are generated and transmitted as CAN messages and it is these signals that use the Leuchte-sets.
More work to do on these intriguing findings - which were made possible using a "virtually useless" tweak!!
Last edited by DV52; 12-04-2021 at 03:56 PM.
Please don't PM to ask questions about coding, or vehicle repairs. The better place to deal with these matters is on-line, in the forum proper. That way you get the benefit of the expertise of the wider forum! Thank you.
I assume that you meant "is NOT included in my list........" - what's the point of adding the tweak to a list for a car where the tweak doesn't work?
Also, on the slim chance that you might wish to accommodate the views of others who may be reading your document and have a different view, the correct Leuchte-channels on other late model MQB platform cars are:
- ENG124872-ENG115203-Leuchte11WARNBLK TASTERC54-Light_Function_G_11 > brake lamp
- ENG124872-ENG115205-Leuchte11WARNBLK TASTERC54-Dimming_GH_11>100
Not sure if your Tiggy has these same channels
I don't understand - what do you mean by "heavy breaking"? Wasn't anything "heavy" about my braking when the LED lit-up on my car!
The way that this tweak works is not proportional to brake pressure; breaking harder doesn't make the LED illuminate brighter; it's simply a case of LED OFF/ON - nothing more!!
Just sit in the car in your garage (where sun glare is not a problem) and lightly press the brake pedal - it's easy to confirm that only normal pressure is needed to light-up the LED. In fact you will find that the brake pressure required to illuminate the LED is EXACTLY the same pressure that's needed to light-up the brake lights (not more pressure and not less pressure). It MUST be the same because it's the same brake signal that is used to light-up both the LED and the Brake lights!!
Last edited by DV52; 12-04-2021 at 05:37 PM.
Please don't PM to ask questions about coding, or vehicle repairs. The better place to deal with these matters is on-line, in the forum proper. That way you get the benefit of the expertise of the wider forum! Thank you.
Oh dear Misconstruing what i meant I didnt mean the tweak is useless in itself but that in my model of car the light is placed so that in daylight and especially wearing sunglasses its not bright enough to overcome the ambient light. It serves its purpose and may well be more visible in other models.the placing of it is also right at the edge of ones peripheral vision.
The heavy braking WITHOUT the tweak, they only come on when you brake more firmly and if just gently slowing the brake lights on mine dont come on.. Well they didnt when we tried it by having someone follow me and tell me what happened
My car has BRAKING and so far isnt breaking anything
The tweak is no 31 in the list and no need to be so sarcy about things
Anyway once you know the lights come on why worry. If you are in a sudden situation you will have more to do than check if your brake lights are working and having confirmed once they do Whats the point.????
Is like the one for making the start button light pulse and the aircon fan speed when on full Just more distractions that dont do anything worth while
Last edited by Guest001; 12-04-2021 at 06:26 PM.
2021 Kamiq LE 110 , Moon White, BV cameras F & B
Mamba Ebike to replace Tiguan
2021 Kamiq LE 110 , Moon White, BV cameras F & B
Mamba Ebike to replace Tiguan
@Hillbilly: absolutely no need to thank me...... but alas you do "need to be corrected" because your response is so clearly wrong! Everyone's posts are NOT their opinion and it is fanciful nonsense (IMO) to believe otherwise. If forums like this was full of posts that contained opinions only, I very much doubt that it would survive long.
Shirley even you can see the difference between posts that contain opinions and posts that contain facts - and posts contain both!
Isn't the difference palpably obvious? And if you accept the separation of the two constructs, then Shirley you must agree that members authoring posts are obligated to identify their opinions lest they be confused as fact by the reader. And isn't this obligation for disclosure even more important when sentences are constructed as absolute (black and white) statements - which I suspect are intended to be read as opinion, but which can be so easily misinterpreted as fact by other forum colleagues?
More than delighted to continue this dialogue - if you believe that it has value
Last edited by DV52; 13-04-2021 at 06:23 PM.
Please don't PM to ask questions about coding, or vehicle repairs. The better place to deal with these matters is on-line, in the forum proper. That way you get the benefit of the expertise of the wider forum! Thank you.