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Thread: VCDS (VAG-COM) codes and programmable options for Golf Mk7

  1. #1781
    Join Date
    May 2020

    Not available for me with my car. I would have used the 10 credits
    MY20 MK7.5 Golf GTI - Tornado Red - LP/S&SP
    MY19 AW Polo - Comfortline - DAP

  2. #1782
    Join Date
    May 2020
    Success Don!! I got the hearbeat going on the start button, and it's very cool.

    There was big confusion as I am new to using the OBD11 and I was trying to follow the previous instructions, that only appeared in the Youtube video, and were incorrect, at least for me. I was trying to find a channel starting with Enginexxxxx.

    Things are a bit different in OBD11, as I didn't really need to know about HexB7.

    The procedure for my car was:

    Go into the Start System Interface Control Unit

    Select Adaptations

    Search for Lights and select "DeveloperCoding:Search lighs"

    Select the two channels: ZAT_illumination_concept_mybeat_clamp58xt and ZAT_illumination_modus_mybeat_clamp58xt and set them to activated

    This was a deeper dive than I had done into the menus and was a good learning experience. Thanks for your help, this is a small but nifty mod in the car.
    MY20 MK7.5 Golf GTI - Tornado Red - LP/S&SP
    MY19 AW Polo - Comfortline - DAP

  3. #1783
    Join Date
    May 2020
    I have a question about what is possible with programming of the all LED headlights?

    Is it possible to replicate the dynamic style that these Supernova aftermarket units can do on a GTI?

    MY20 MK7.5 Golf GTI - Tornado Red - LP/S&SP
    MY19 AW Polo - Comfortline - DAP

  4. #1784
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    Pacific Paradise QLD
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    Quote Originally Posted by genebaby View Post
    I have a question about what is possible with programming of the all LED headlights?

    Is it possible to replicate the dynamic style that these Supernova aftermarket units can do on a GTI?

    Those arent headlights they are the DRL's and turn indicators

    There is an OBDII mod called PACE CAR lights for a Mk7 does that with rear indicators I dont know about the fronts

    Pace Car Indicators - OBDeleven Pro Coding - Volkswagen Golf R - YouTube
    Last edited by Guest001; 29-07-2020 at 05:28 PM.
    2021 Kamiq LE 110 , Moon White, BV cameras F & B
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  5. #1785
    Join Date
    May 2020
    Yes, you're so helpful. They are the DRLs/indicators inside my headlights, and they are LED, hence I was wondering what programming could be done with the LED's in the headlights, these being one subset of them.

    I am guessing if anyone would know it would be Don, you there buddy?

    I'm cool with getting aftermarket side indicators for the mirrors but a whole headlight assembly is another thing, considering what I have now. If I had non-LED headlights the Supernova ones would be a no-brainer.

    I'm new to this world, three months ago I had no idea I'd have two VW's now, but I'm realising that to get some of the features I'm after it would have been easier to have an older car to upgrade. Such is life.
    MY20 MK7.5 Golf GTI - Tornado Red - LP/S&SP
    MY19 AW Polo - Comfortline - DAP

  6. #1786
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    genebaby What changes can be done to the DRLs/Indicators on a mk7.5 with LED headlight fittings? Not much - I suspect!

    Almost certainly, your can will have Light Control Modules (LCMs) @ address hex29 and hex39 - and the car probably has a further 2 x LCMs @ address hexD6 and hexD7.

    This means that the traditional approach where the BCM (@ hex09) is used to control the headlight fittings doesn't happen on your car - instead the LCMs take-over these functions and LCM channel maps that Ive seen have no adaptation channels and no long-code strings, So not much can be changed, alas!

    Incidentally, even if your MY20 GTI did use the BCM to control the headlight fitting lamps - I suspect that you still couldn't achieve the dynamic turn-signal effect in the video; this lighting effect normally uses LED chaser circuits that are fitted inside the headlight assemblies. I doubt that your OEM fittings have this additional electronic equipment.

    Please don't PM to ask questions about coding, or vehicle repairs. The better place to deal with these matters is on-line, in the forum proper. That way you get the benefit of the expertise of the wider forum! Thank you.

  7. #1787
    Join Date
    May 2020
    Thanks Don. In the first few days of ownership I thought I remembered seeing my blinkers in a shop window and thought that both DRL's went into orange blinking mode, but I must have gotten it wrong as only one does, while one stays in DRL mode, so perhaps both cannot do this because only one DRL has the ability to turn orange?

    I wasn't thinking of the need for a chaser (though that would be ideal), more of a timed blink, like the Pace Car mod for the rears before the Dynamic lights came out, or even afterwards if you didn't want to buy a Dynamic set, ha ha.

    But if the controls aren't there, and the DRL cannot do the colour change then it's a moot point and we will move on.

    I won't be buying aftermarket lights to achieve this, I'll be happy with the Dynamic indicators at the rear and side of the vehicle.
    MY20 MK7.5 Golf GTI - Tornado Red - LP/S&SP
    MY19 AW Polo - Comfortline - DAP

  8. #1788

    Can you please share how to use brake lights for coming/leaving home in MK7.5 with dynamic turn signals?

  9. #1789
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    Quote Originally Posted by komoornik View Post

    Can you please share how to use brake lights for coming/leaving home in MK7.5 with dynamic turn signals?
    I assume that Poland uses RoW version mk7.5's, but to be certain - post-up a copy of the current settings for Leuchte20BR LA71 (by which I mean 19 x channels) - please

    Please don't PM to ask questions about coding, or vehicle repairs. The better place to deal with these matters is on-line, in the forum proper. That way you get the benefit of the expertise of the wider forum! Thank you.

  10. #1790

    How to do that the easiest way in OBD11? Backup?

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