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Thread: VCDS (VAG-COM) codes and programmable options for Golf Mk7

  1. #1281
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    Regarding how make the dot LED DRL to work along with U LED DRL in all light switch positions...

    Quote Originally Posted by Bladevsneo View Post
    I tried this on my 2016 Golf Alltrack and it worked ok but the downside is the tail lights are also on at all times with the Dot LED. Has anyone else found this?
    Is anyone able to reply? Is there any way to have just the dot LED running? Don, you are the lighting guru.... any suggestions?
    Golf MkVII 132TSI Alltrack MY16
    Polo GTI Mk6 MY19

  2. #1282
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bladevsneo View Post
    Regarding how make the dot LED DRL to work along with U LED DRL in all light switch positions...

    Is anyone able to reply? Is there any way to have just the dot LED running? Don, you are the lighting guru.... any suggestions?
    Bladevsneo: Alas there are a number of ways that the dot can be wired on different headlight versions of the mk7. Have you made an admap of the BCM on your car yet?

    And can you explain more clearly what you want the dot to do - are you saying that you want this lamp(s) to be switched-on by the ignition key and to remain switched on until the key is removed?

    Please don't PM to ask questions about coding, or vehicle repairs. The better place to deal with these matters is on-line, in the forum proper. That way you get the benefit of the expertise of the wider forum! Thank you.

  3. #1283
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    Hi Don, now that I re-read my post it's clear I must have been on the happy juice at the time as it makes bugger all sense! Basically I'm just trying to get the dot led to come on full brightness whenever the drl's are active. As it is, it only comes on with the headlights. I managed to do this following MRG_AU's post #606 but the problem is that the tail lights are also on at all times with the Dot LED. I have an admap on my laptop but it's not with me at the moment. Also,if you don't mind me asking another question, Leuchte18BLK HLA60 and Leuchte19BLK HRC31 are the rear indicator lights but I'm not 100% sure what alpha channels to look for to alter the brightness from 100 to 127 (for LED bulbs). I'm thinking they will be AB 18 and AB 19 respectively..... Is that correct???

    Golf MkVII 132TSI Alltrack MY16
    Polo GTI Mk6 MY19

  4. #1284
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    Lex: Thanks for the clarification - ain't nothin' wrong with a dram, or two of "happy juice" (especially the single malt kind). I often have a glass by my side when I'm trying to make sense of how VW does stuff!!

    As I said in my previous response, I've found that the Leuchte-sets are not always allocated in the same way - especially for cars that have different versions of the HID headlight fittings.

    But generally, the "dot" Leuchte-sets are Leuchte8FL LB39 (left-side) and Leuchte9FL RB2 (right-side). Before I make a suggestion for your tweak, I'd ask that you confirm my guess about the Leuchte-sets.

    If I'm correct, your settings for the left-side dot should be as shown below. Please alter the Dimmwert AB value on your car to a small number. If I'm correct, you should see the dot illumination reduce on the left-side with the headlights switched-on. Revert the setting back to original and please advise your observation

    Adaptation channel
    ENG116944-ENG116027-Leuchte8FL LB39-Lichtfunktion A 8 Standlicht allgemein (Schlusslicht; Positionslicht; Begrenzungslicht)
    ENG116944-ENG116028-Leuchte8FL LB39-Lichtfunktion B 8 Parklicht links (beidseitiges Parklicht aktiviert li & re)
    ENG116944-ENG116029-Leuchte8FL LB39-Dimmwert AB 8 127
    ENG116944-ENG116030-Leuchte8FL LB39-Lichtansteuerung HD AB 8 Always

    As for the second question - yes "Leuchte18BLK HLA60 and Leuchte19BLK HRC31 are the rear indicator lights" - for the outer lamp-group. But I'm not sure why you want to change the setting. My apology in advance if you already know this stuff, but perhaps an explanation of how Dimmwert operates might be appropriate.

    Again, I'm sorry if I'm teaching you to suck eggs, but the BCM is designed to control 35 x exterior lights on a mk7. Fundamentally, the way the dimming function works is by what's known as Pulse-width-modulation (PWM), which is just a fancy name for varying the ON/OFF time in a square wave signal.

    For dimming, the BCM "chops-up" the 12volt battery source into ON and OFF times and PWM varies the relative ON/OFF times so that for full illumination there is lots of ON time and for no illumination there is lots of OFF times

    This is probably difficult to understand, so perhaps the picture below will help. I took this picture with my oscilloscope connected to the rear tail light with a Dimmwert setting of 50%:

    This is PWM.

    So - when you select an LED setting for the Lasttyp channel on a Leuchte-set, you enforce that the BCM uses digital control for the lamp - hence 127 different settings (decimal 127 = binary 1111111). Incidentally, if you select an incandescent setting for the Lasttyp channel, you initiate analogue control for the lamp (Dimmwert range 0-100). But in truth the human eye cannot distinguish between 127 x different values. I have found that there is no visible difference beyond a setting of 100 for most (all?) LEDs for the turn-signal function.

    But if you want to try tweaking the rear indicator LEDs, yes you are correct change AB 18 and AB 19.

    Please don't PM to ask questions about coding, or vehicle repairs. The better place to deal with these matters is on-line, in the forum proper. That way you get the benefit of the expertise of the wider forum! Thank you.

  5. #1285
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    Hey Don, At least I can take comfort in the thought that it's not just me who sometimes looks at VW and thinks ".....WHY?!?!?....."

    Anyway, thanks for the information - old tv technician here so I understand exactly what you are saying! I agree 100% with you that the human eye cannot differentiate between 100 and 127. What I have noticed though is that if you record a video of the LED's (or incandescents) you can clearly see the flickering on and off (depending on the camera shutter speed).

    My reasoning (probably uncalled for) is that 1. Switching the LED on and off multiple times per second will possibly lead to LED failure and 2. There will be a slight increase in brightness with no PWM. I changed one of my reverse lights to 127 and videoed it and there was definitely no flicker from that LED but the other side at 100 was clearly flickering.

    I'll have a crack at the dot sets on the weekend as I (try to) make a rule not to mess with something during the week when you have to go to work the next day and you've only got the one car! I'll post back my findings..... now where did I put my happy juice......

    Thanks heaps for your help
    Golf MkVII 132TSI Alltrack MY16
    Polo GTI Mk6 MY19

  6. #1286
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    Lex: - old TV technician? Then I certainly do apologize for teaching you to suck PWM eggs! . I had never considered the advantage of using greater than 100 Dimmwert settings for the benefit of video quality - definitely a first for me!

    Not sure that your concerns about fast switching the LED is kosher. If you look at my CRO trace (yes- I still use a tube based oscilloscope), the frequency for the square wave is 200 Hz albeit the rise/fall time for the one/off periods is almost instantaneous!. I wouldn't have thought that this frequency would be problematic for LED longevity.

    But if you are concerned about the life-cycle of the LEDs from PWM under digital control, you might want to consider setting-up the Leuchte-set so that the Body Control Module thinks that it's driving an incandescent lamp. What happens when you do this is that the PWM frequency halves (the square-wave period becomes 10 milliseconds) and you force the BCM to use an analogue control range for dimming. This also might help with flicker synchronization on your video - not sure.

    Please don't PM to ask questions about coding, or vehicle repairs. The better place to deal with these matters is on-line, in the forum proper. That way you get the benefit of the expertise of the wider forum! Thank you.

  7. #1287
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    Are all these VCDS tweaks available via OBDEleven, or is this for VCDS/Rosstech only? I'm still struggling to figure the difference between the two.

  8. #1288
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    Whats the difference between OBDeleven and VCDS from Ross-Tech?

    I'm reading all these tweaks in the tweak thread (MkVII VCDS Tweak - Reference thread) and want to know if an OBDEleven would be able to perform the same.

  9. #1289
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    Just wondering if anyone has figured out if acc can be activated without having the active info display. I'm sure I've seen some mk7 with acc working if so was it a simple coding.

  10. #1290
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    Both, they do the same thing but in different ways. I think though VCD's is better for doing live data but saying that I've not done much live data with my Eleven just a lot of coding.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    2015 Golf R. Lapiz Blue.

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